The Happiest And Most Successful Professionals — 8 Ways They Think Differently
By: Kathy Caprino
In my work as a career success coach, I regularly survey thousands of professionals each year. These surveys and studies allow me a special lens into the deepest thoughts and beliefs of people who are building careers that excite and inspire them, as well as those who are despairing and disillusioned, and desperately want a change but can’t figure out how to create it. These clients and respondents communicate in many different ways about what they want most, which invariably is: more joy, ease, meaning, purpose, and control, as well as less toxicity, and earning a great living doing work that matters to them.
In these studies, I’m continually looking for new clues as to what makes professionals experience themselves as happy and successful. I’m also looking at what contributes to ongoing malaise, sadness and dissatisfaction in our careers. My recent Career Success Readiness Quiz, for instance, captured the responses of over 10,000 participants from around the world, probing what they’re doing, and not doing, to build more success, joy and reward in their work.
Several of the most powerful findings that emerged from this study were:
70% of respondents answered “NO” to this:
63% answered “NO” to this:
“I have both mentors and sponsors in my life who give me important feedback and have the power and influence to open new doors for me.”
55% answered “NO” to this:
“I feel that my work is meaningful and I am making the impact I want to, in my organization, community and the world.”
43% answered “NO” to this:
“I know what I’m passionate about and what I want to focus on for my livelihood, versus what I want to keep as a hobby or outside interest.”
Having spent 18 years in a very unhappy corporate career myself, then climbing out of that rut over 10 years, I’ve gained greater awareness of what I’m doing and thinking differently now in my own career that paves the way for more success, joy and reward.
From these studies and my work with over 10,000 professionals, I’ve seen that there are eight mindsets and beliefs that separate professionals who feel happy, positive and successful, from all the rest.
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