5 Lessons for the Fearless Female Entrepreneur
Yet under that fearlessness, we face a myriad of challenges and difficult decisions just like any other entrepreneur or CEO. Sometimes those challenges are the same as our male peers and sometimes they aren’t.
Related: Leaving a Long-Term Job Takes Courage, Especially If You’re a Woman
As a female CEO and entrepreneur, I’ve relied on five key lessons to help me through these challenges and keep me fearless.
1. Dive in.
I really admire Sheryl Sandberg’s famous “Lean In” mantra and I think the premise behind it is very valid in many situations — especially when you are a woman in a male-dominated business world. However, I think many entrepreneurs — especially female entrepreneurs — would be better served by following a “Dive In” mantra.
When starting something new, we tend to be more cautious and analytical, which can lead to us over-thinking every detail in our quest for perfection. As an entrepreneur, you have to accept that the timing is never going to be perfect — there is always going to be more research and testing to do, more edits, etc. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and dive in.
2. Get out of your comfort zone.
The fear of failure can have a debilitating effect on an entrepreneur or on any business leader. (Female CEOs are supposed to be fearless, remember!) In my experience, the best way to combat that fear is to force yourself out of your comfort zone.
After starting my professional career as a fashion buyer, a chance meeting with Brad Keywell (now co-founder of venture-capital firmLightbank and Groupon) convinced me to take a leap of faith into the tech startup scene. I was a million miles outside my comfort zone, but I was also empowered by my choice and that helped me succeed.
Whether it’s a career change or just forcing yourself to start making cold calls, pushing beyond your comfort zone will up your confidence and help you overcome your fear.
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