Lorem Ipsum Eligendi

  • Est eligendi optio eligenuoptio minus.
  • Solunobis est eligendi cumqedit quo tristique.
  • Lorem eligi orci ac douruos sem.

Jody Agard


My MONTHLY PLANNING 101  It’s May 1st ladies and you have an entire month to kick some BUTT and make some major moves in your business!!I’m going over how to plan out your month to ensure you crush your goals!!… Read the rest

Self Care Ain’t For Sissies


Self Care Ain’t For Sissies

Join me for a quick insight as to why self care is a vital part of your business success! And, I’m sharing TWO moments recently when I realized I needed to put more attention into taking care of myself and HOW I actually implemented on the other end of those realizations that have had HUGE impacts on my biz!!

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