Katie Krimitsos
39 of the coolest startups founded by women
BY: Maya Kosoff
Women may be underrepresented throughout the tech sector, but they’re still building some incredible startups, apps, and products.… Read the rest
4 Inspiring Stories of Women Entrepreneurs From Around the World
Entrepreneurship is a hot topic these days. Countless articles and books have been written about it, entire university curricula have been built upon its precepts and success stories touting billionnaires who went from “zero to hero” infiltrate our newsfeeds and status updates.
… Read the restWhere Can Women Entrepreneurs Find the Most Success?
Small to medium-sized cities may have fewer barriers to entry than some of the nation’s leading start-up hubs.
Image Richard Drew / AP Images Richard Drew / AP Images
With women like Elizabeth Holmes founding multi-billion dollar companies, and others such as Sheryl Sandburg and Beth Comstock running them, there’s a growing sense that the U.S.… Read the rest
BWR 217: High Engagement on Facebook and Managing Fast Growth of a Hobby Turned Business With Jill Donovan
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jill Donovan of Rustic Cuff to find out!Jill Donovan was a reluctant entrepreneur. … Read the rest
Are Women Only Businesses and Groups Discriminatory?
(Host) “Do you ever have male guests on your show?”
(Katie) “I do not…it’s called Biz WOMEN Rock.”
(Host) “So, because I have a penis, I’m discriminated against. … Read the rest
BWR 216: The Evolution of a Products Business With Jules Birch
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jules Birch of Works With Water to find out!Starting her own company was not Jules Birch’s idea. … Read the rest
BWR 215: How to Get More Done and Build an Empire with Lee Milteer
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Lee Milteer to find out!You know how an actress is called a “triple threat” when they can act, sing and sell products? … Read the rest
BWR 214: TED Talks, Emmy Awards and the Listening to Your Audience With Kare Anderson
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Kare Anderson to find out!Emmy Award winning former journalist for the Wall Street Journal and NBC, Kare Anderson (pronounced car-ee) is a breath of fresh air in the business world! … Read the rest
BWR 213: Inside a Concierge Event Planning Company With Rena Puebla
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Rena Puebla of Coast Concierge Services to find out!… Read the restYour Email List is NOT Your “Community”
Oh yeah, I said it.
And I’m thinking that comment may just get me some hate mail from bloggers or business folks who spend a lot of time engaging with the folks on their email list. … Read the rest