Katie Krimitsos
BWR 202: Content Marketing and Serving a Community…Not “Building An Audience” With Charlene Li
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Charlene Li of Altimeter to Find Out!Charlene Li created Altimeter because she found something she enjoyed and she thought she could do it better than the company she had been working for. … Read the rest
BWR 201: How To Build a Successful Speaking Business With Andrea Waltz
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Andrea Waltz of Go for No! to Find Out!Andrea Waltz was young and naive when her then friend (now husband Richard) opened her eyes to the potential of speaking and training for corporations. … Read the rest
5 Female Entrepreneurs Whose Success You Would Love To Emulate
A new study has revealed that the number of women millionaires in Australia, the US and the UK are growing three times faster than ever before – and it’s partly being fuelled by a rise in female entrepreneurs.… Read the rest
How to Optimize Your Site for Every Stage of the Buying Cycle
By Neil Patel
If you’ve been in marketing for a while, you’ll eventually discover a harsh reality.
You can’t force people to buy from you.… Read the rest
Funny Famous Women Talk About Money (And They Have the Same Blocks As You)
You don’t hear celebrity women talk candidly about money very often. So when I read The Hollywood Reporter’s comedy roundtable and heard women like Amy Schumer (MY GIRL CRUSH) and Lena Dunham, among other popular TV stars right now talking about money and how they are dealing with it, I knew I had to share it with the Lucky Bee community.
… Read the restWork-Life Balance Secrets of Work-at-Home Parents
Working from home might have its disadvantages, but it certainly has its benefits: no commute, a flexible schedule and the option to wear pajamas all day if you really want.… Read the rest
BWR 200: How Niching Down Can Produce Huge Results With Victoria Griggs
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Victoria Griggs of Straight Line Marketing to Find Out!… Read the rest7 Surprising Tips For Breaking Out Of Procrastination Prison
By Zen Dexter
Okay, let’s be honest here. There’s probably something else you should be doing right now.
You should fix that leaky tap, or kick off your Spanish learning project, or start on that university assignment.… Read the rest
The Unglamorous Truth About My First Year of Business
There’s no question that running your own business is fulfilling. You’ve seen the glamorous Instagram photos of sandy feet and laptops by the ocean, and the Facebook posts exclaiming (literally exclaiming, with five exclamation marks, minimum), “I love my job!!!!!”
Entrepreneurship is pretty sweet.… Read the rest
How To Make $24,000 In 4 Weeks Freelancing Online
If you had to make an extra $100 this week, could you do it? Most people would probably say yes.
But what about an extra $1,000?… Read the rest