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A Bit About Katie

Katie Krimitsos

Hi! I’m Katie Krimitsos and welcome to Biz Women Rock! After 5 years of running a local entrepreneurs organization with my husband, I launched the Biz Women Rock podcast in 2014 so I could share the real stories of phenomenal business women all over the world. That quickly gave birth to the entire Biz Women Rock brand, complete with practical information and a thriving community that provides you with everything you need to start and grow your business! I am absolutely in love with business and with this beautiful community of women who support one another in their journeys!


Making Friends With Failure

I once heard that Sarah Blakley, the Billionaire Founder of Spanx, would sit around the dinner table with her family each night when she was a little girl and answer her father’s inevitable question: “How did you fail today?”


To have failure woven into the everyday vernacular of the dinner table, to have it talked about so matter of factly while continuing to eat and be merry with your family ensures one would become quite intimate and comfortable with failure.… Read the rest

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