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About The Podcast

The Biz Women Rock! Podcast

The Biz Women Rock podcast is the home for incredible stories from super savvy business women in all sorts of different industries who share the real stories about their business journeys; the ups, the downs and everything in between! Not only will you feel connected to these women, but you’ll walk away with practical strategies and tools they discuss that will impact your business immediately! Subscribe to The Biz Women Rock podcast on iTunes or Stitcher today!


BWR 236: Franchising vs. Licensing a Business With Tracy Moore

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Tracy Moore of Marketing Eye to Find Out!

Before Tracy Moore became the first licensee for the full service Marketing firm Marketing Eye, she had major success as a franchisee for Young Rembrandts, an after-school creative activities program for kids.  … Read the rest

BWR 231: The Riches Are in the Niches with Alice Turner

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Alice Turner of Your Doula Bag to Find Out!

After 5 years of being a doula (an advocate, organizer and support for pregnant and post-partum couples), Alice decided to launch YourDoulaBag.com because she saw the need in the marketplace for products that doulas want.  … Read the rest

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