Nope. You can’t just put up your product or service on a page and watch the money roll in. You have to give your potential customers a reason to purchase. You have to give them an explanation of what your product or service is and how it can help them. You have to make them feel completely confident that once they hit the BUY NOW button, they’ll get more than what they needed!
And it may not surprise you that there is a formula for how to do this…a specific strategy and construction behind every single sales page that entices potential customers to keep on reading and eventually enter their credit card number enthusiastically!
And while that formula is intensive and detailed, here are just THREE tips for you to use that can help your sales page convert!
1. Get them to say YES on your sales page
Have you ever noticed that one of the first things you’ll see on a sales page is a question? Or even a series of questions? Perhaps something like, “have you ever noticed that…?” or “Do you ever feel like…?” The reason questions are used so often on a sales page is because getting your readers to say YES is a powerful way to anchor a positive response. The psychology behind it is something like, if they say yes to some of the things I’m asking throughout the page, they’re more likely to say yes when I make my offer down below. This is not smarmy, by the way. This is simply knowing how people work. The related reasoning is that, by constantly creating copy that elicits a “yes” in your readers’ minds, you are systematically qualifying them. As long as they keep saying yes to what they’re reading, they are agreeing with what you have to say and qualifying themselves as someone who gets value out of your information and who will get value out of what you are offering them!
2. Add Multimedia
Some people prefer to read, some people prefer to watch a video, some people prefer to listen. Adding videos, audio clips and graphics to your sales page is a great way to visually break up the look of the page…a few paragraphs and then a video and then a paragraph and then a graphic…this keeps your readers’ eyes from getting bored. It also gives everyone the opportunity to experience your page in the way that best suits them. For example, I’m a reader…I prefer letting my eyes read over a page so I can get the jist of everything quickly. My husband, however, is a video watcher. He would much prefer watching a video than reading the words on a sales page. Having all types of media throughout your sales page ensures every type of person can engage with your content and your offer in the way they prefer and makes sure you don’t exclude a potential customer from purchasing! Bonus: having videos and audios give your potential customer a chance to hear and see you, which adds so much dimension to what you’re talking about. They can hear the passion in your voice, they can see the excitement in your eyes when you describe what you’re doing. These multimedia pieces can make your offer that much more sticky!
3. Tell a Story
The very best sales pages I’ve ever seen tell a story. They draw me in as a reader, make me feel connected to the person writing and take me through a scenario or two that eventually paint a picture that I want to be a part of. And the story always ends with a SOLUTION to a problem or a SOLUTION to a desired outcome [which is where your offer comes in]. Brilliant. I’ve heard people say that the “long form sales page is dead.” I completely disagree. When you construct a beautiful sales page and take the time to walk your readers through a story that they feel connected to, no matter how long it is, then the right people will read every single word, no matter how long it is. And the right people will happily purchase as soon as they’re given the opportunity to JOIN or ADD TO CART or SIGN UP because they truly need exactly what you’ve offered them!
There is an artistic science behind writing a successful sales page that converts. I know because I’ve studied it! I’ve invested in programs that have helped me understand the “formula” for how a sales page should work and how all the elements can be constructed to ensure that every person who is perfect for the product or service you’re offering eagerly hits the buy button!
When the Biz Women Rock ELITE opens its doors in the next few weeks, the Founding Members will have access my copywriting teacher, Colin Theriot. Colin is THE GUY I turned to when I wanted to learn the art and science of copywriting, when I wanted to get better at persuasion, when I wanted to learn how to better connect in my emails and my “micro-copy” (i.e. social media posts), when I wanted to learn the formula a sales page should follow so I could convert more…he’s THE GUY for me!
Colin is the founder of The Cult of Copy and is a copywriter extraordinaire. He cut his teeth on copywriting as a team member at StomperNet back in the days. He has a Facebook Group (The Cult of Copy) with over 25,000 people in it and continually offers his amazing education to his members.
Colin’s Sales Page Template education just by itself sells for $200 (and that’s only if you’re in his private group!), but YOU are going to have access to a specialized MASTER CLASS training from him all about how to write a sales page that converts as a member of the Biz Women Rock ELITE…completely free!
From now until this FRIDAY, March 24th, you can join the Biz Women Rock Elite for just $297! That’s for a LIFETIME membership (no monthly dues). Not only will you have access to Colin’s amazing Master Class, but all the other amazing benefits will be at your fingertips!
Click HERE to find out more about the ELITE membership and register today before the prices go up and the registration window closes!
~ Katie
PS: I am SO excited to be bringing you the BEST OF THE BEST EDUCATION within the Biz Women Rock Elite! Want to have access to it all? Become a member today! –>>