If I Get Knocked Down 28 Times…

I’ll get up 29.

Since we’re entrepreneurs, let’s adjust that number properly. If get knocked down 10,397 times, I’ll get up 10,298! (seems more appropriate, right?)

How many times have you been knocked down lately?

Did you…

  • Wake up in a fowl mood and couldn’t muster the focus to get the right things done?
  • Experience sickness in your family – either you or a family member – and were forced to stop even when you wanted to run? And now you’re so behind?
  • Have an unexpected expense pop up and now you’re questioning how you’re going to bring in the money you need?
  • Have a client or customer get pissed off at you and demand their money back?
  • Have an UNDERwhelming response to an offer you made, killing your financial momentum?

No matter WHAT has happened in your life lately that has knocked you down, IT’S YOUR JOB TO GET BACK UP!

…as quickly as possible.

Because you know what? We ALL have a sob story. We ALL have had some really crappy things happen in our lives that have derailed us. That have made this business journey challenging, if not seemingly impossible sometimes. We ALL have had outside forces we never could have anticipated kill our momentum, stop us in our tracks or add weight to our load.

But what separates those who are truly successful from the pack is the fact that WE GET OVER IT FAST.

We give ourselves a dedicated time to feel sorry for ourselves, learn the lesson and MOVE ON.

Because if we’re not growing, we’re dying.

Right now, I’m doing a Mompreneur Series on the Biz Women Rock podcast and I have to be honest with you…I started the series thinking that I would “commiserate” with my fellow mompreneur sisters…virtually fist bump each other while talking about how hard this journey is. But you know what I’ve found? These women are reminding me that the moment I let the word HARD enter my language, the moment I let myself believe – even for a second – that big things are not possible simply because I am managing this thing called mommyhood and entrepreneurship, I HAVE FAILED.

Truly successful people DO NOT BELIEVE IN EXCUSES.

So, what is weighing on you lately? What is happening in your life that is heavy, frustrating and feels like it’s stopping you?

Get it out of your way.


No matter what you’re going through.

No matter how little you “have.”

No matter how challenging your struggles are.

Suck it up and start kicking ass.

Because everyone has a sob story. But only YOU have the power to get back up again and live vibrantly in that awesome dream you have.



PS: If you’re ready to get a jolt of fresh ideas, strategies and inspiration into your business, jump on board for a 90 Minute Strategy Session with me! It’s an hour and a half dedicated to focusing in on an issue, challenge or idea you’re having in your biz right now. I help you come up with purposeful strategies and solutions AND a practical ACTION PLAN! I have just ONE SPOT left, so reserve it today! → http://bizwomenrock.com/90-minute-strategy-session/

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