I used to privately roll my eyes every time someone told me they had two businesses. Or even that they had a day job and were trying to build their business on the side.
(Which in an of itself is hypocritically hilarious, since I run two different businesses myself).
Just FOCUS on one! I would think to myself. It would be so much easier and produce better results!
But the reality is we are ALL trying to successfully build businesses while our time and energy is called elsewhere.
I think one of the things unique to women is that we tend wear a lot of hats in our lives: wives, mothers, business women, community leaders, cooks, cleaners, family caregiver, etc.
And they’re ALL important to us, so we do our best to “balance” them all.
So the question came up in the Biz Women Rock private Facebook Group…how do you manage growing two businesses at once?
And if you’re doing the “side hustle,” (working your day job while building up your company on the side), how can you ensure your energy will last?
And as I stand on the precipice of motherhood for the first time, this subject is hitting me square in the eyes. So, I figured I’d share some practical tips.
1. Accept this truth: You won’t move as quickly as you’d like.
Growing two businesses at once or doing the side hustle means that a good chunk of your time simply CANNOT be dedicated to one single business. By nature of your choice to do these two things, you will not have the luxury other business women have…focusing on ONE business. That means that progress will happen a little slower than you like. But don’t worry…this is okay! There’s a reason you’ve decided to divide your energy like this, so just go easy on yourself when you’re not where you want to be as quickly as you’d like!
2. Schedule your life!
Creating a schedule is vital for being the most efficient in both businesses. Whether you use a Google calendar, Outlook or a physical calendar, dedicate times in your schedule every week during the optimal times for you to work on your two projects. Since I run a local business AND the Biz Women Rock community, here’s what my weekly schedule tends to looks like.
You’ll notice that Mondays and Wednesdays are dedicated to TBBO (Tampa Bay Business Owners, my local company). Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually dedicated to Biz Women Rock and Fridays are typically spent doing any “leftover” work needed for either company.
This is absolutely vital because it helps me schedule my appointments on the appropriate days so I’m not having an energy shift all of a sudden. Meaning, I don’t want to be working on something BWR related and then all of a sudden, I need to fulfill something for TBBO. That’s not only frustrating to get out of the BWR flow, but it can really fry your energy!
3. Know what you’re going to do with your dedicated time BEFOREHAND.
Now that you have time on your calendar dedicated to your two businesses or your business outside of your day job, take the time each week to plan what you need to be doing with that time. My suggestion is to start with a priority list for each week. Create a list of your to-do items and then take the most important items out of that list…the ones that will move your business forward to fastest…and put them in your schedule!
You can do this by actually putting them on your calendar…
…or by putting them in the notes of that particular dedicated business time.
4. Have the DISCIPLINE to stick with this schedule.
You’re human. Life happens. And it’s easy to let this schedule “soften.” I’m guilty of it. But I found that when I’m disciplined with this schedule, when I stick to it, I feel a LOT more focused, I get a LOT more done and my business moves forward…fast! Need help to stay the course? Ask a friend or two to keep you accountable. Create a small group of fellow business women who you can check in with once each week. Print your calendar and put it up in your wall so you can keep it top of mind. Do whatever it takes to stick to your schedule as best as you can!
5. When you feel schizophrenic, take a breather…then get focused again.
Choosing to build two businesses at once or doing the side hustle after work requires a ton of mental and emotional strength. And sometimes, it can be too much (especially with all the other roles you are fulfilling in your life!). So when you feel schizophrenic or completely frazzed, just STOP. Take a few hours or even a few days to NOT do anything. Walk away, breathe and remember why you’re doing this. When you’re ready to come back to it, create a PLAN before you dive back into the work so that you feel confident that you’re moving ahead strategically.
6. Connect with other business women.
You are not alone!!! All of us have similar struggles. All of us are figuring it out as we go along. All of us are not nearly as far in our businesses as we want to be! Connecting with other savvy business women will make you feel normal and give you an opportunity to learn things that will help your journey. (If you’re not already part of the Biz Women Rock community, go join our private Facebook Group by clicking HERE today! Tons of super cool business women there!).
7. Just keep moving and respect your work.
You will never get things done as quickly as you’d like. But as long as you keep moving forward, your business will progress! Sure, you didn’t get your new website live in the 30 days you had originally hoped, but 90 days later, it’s up and running! Recognize what a badass you are for managing so many parts and give yourself TONS of credit for the forward movement you’re making!
Have tips or strategies that work for you that you’d like to add? Comment below and let me know! And keep on going with your bad self. 🙂
I really like this post a lot, but could you remove the term “Schizophrenic”? It’s kind of derogatory, and it also doesn’t mean what you’re implying there 🙂
Hey Jane, thanks for commenting. I don’t intend schizophrenic as a derogatory term…merely to describe the feeling many business women feel when we’re living two very different lives, running two different companies…or feeling pulled by two different forces. My apologies if this offended you.