BWR 090: Farideh Ceaser: From the Music Biz to Launching Strategist

How do take lessons learned in the music business to build a successful online company?

Listen to our Interview with Farideh Ceaser, Musician turned Online Launch Strategist to find out!

Farideh Ceaser spent 15 years as a musician before she saw success.  Her success came once she realized one major pivotal thing.  Once she experienced success, she realized she could take her marketing and business experience to the online space.  Now her company’s focus is helping people LAUNCH their companies and products online! In this inspirational interview, Farideh shares how her failures have built her success!


Farideh’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

If you want to make music for fun, then do it for fun.  But if you want to make money from it, then it’s a business.

We have to have the freedom to evolve and create and innovate.  That’s the best part of having a business and that’s the only way to stay happy.

There’s no way to do it right, just do it simply at first.


Find out more about Farideh and go Launch!

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