BWR 101: Kate Marie Grinold Sigfusson: How to Launch a Baby Business as a New Mom

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Kate Marie Grinold Sigfusson of Babies4Babies to find out!

Kate Marie Grinold Sigfusson (whew, that’s a long name!) is a true powerhouse!  She has given birth to a new baby and a new business all within the past year and done it with true style and success!  Her company Babies4Babies sells incredible baby swaddles, but it’s her business model that makes it so special.  In this inspiring interview, Kate shares how her unique and giving business model works (retail philanthropy), how she’s balanced being a brand new mom with a brand new business and how she’s gained tremendous traction on social media!


Kate’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

Being an authentic mom, it has made it so much easier for me to market the brand.

I can’t do everything.  Where I don’t have a strong skill set, I really need to go to somebody who does.

Word of mouth is so big with moms.

Kate’s Favorite 5:

1. Business Tool: Instagram

2. Book: Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh (get a free audio of this book now!)

3. Mommy Tool: Total Baby app and her hand pump!

4. Date Night: summer concert series in Millenium Park in Chicago

5. Way to spoil yourself: go to the gym!


Find out more about Kate and Babies4Babies!



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