BWR 121: Cordia Harrington: How to Get McDonald’s as Your Biggest Client!


How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Cordia Harrington of The Tennessee Bun Company to find out!

From real estate investor to McDonald’s franchise owner, Cordia Harrington’s business background was the perfect recipe for opening up The Tennessee Bun Company in 1996.  She manufactures the hamburger buns for McDonald’s as well as Pepperidge Farms, Sarah Lee and Perkins, just to name a few.  Her company is projected to hit $110 million in 2014 and she manages 550 people on her team! In this incredibly inspiring interview, Cordia talks about why she’s so kind to her employees and team members, the 3 elements of great leadership and why she’s heading out to Maldives!


Cordia’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

If we understand that business is really about people and serving people.

I was never satisfied that things were working great all the time…if I wasn’t there, I felt like there was something missing.

If I take care of the people that work for me, then they’ll take care of the customers.

Cordia’s Favorite 5:

1. Biz Book: The Reciprocity Advantage by Bob Johansen & Karl Ronn (get a free audio of this book now!)

2. Business Tool: iPhone 6

3. Menu item at McDonald’s: good ol’ fashion cheeseburger!

4. Way to spoil herself: travel!

5. Place to travel: Maldives


Find out more about Cordia and  The Tennessee Bun Company!

Bun Company


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