“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost
Have you ever had your stomach in knots out of worry for your business?
Your gut just churns with fear…
Fear of failure.
Fear of success.
Fear of the unexpected.
Last night, my stomach was in knots. I lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of all the things I need to do for the Biz Women Rock podcast and community. Things I want to be more on top of, things I want to roll out for you that you would get a lot out of, that I just haven’t done yet!
As the items ran through my mind like the post-movie credits of Star Wars, my chest got heavier and heavier.
I finally had to take some deep breaths and relax by telling myself there was nothing I could do about it in that moment.
What has given you the business sweats lately?
I realize that these gut-wrenching moments are a uniquely entrepreneurial experience. Something that only those who have dared to step out into the vast and scary world of business have the privilege of experiencing.
The PRIVILEGE? Are you crazy, Katie?
Yes, the privilege!
You see, there are days I want to give it all up (shhhh…that’s not a popular thing to say). I have flashes of literally up and leaving my life, my business…everything and escaping to the simple life on a beach or an Italian village somewhere. A place where I could have little to no responsibilities and enjoy life. And never have to feel that horrible pain in my stomach again.
Every time I think of this, my shoulders soften and a slow smile spreads across my face. How glorious that would be!
But then, I remember…
That would be the easy road.
To have no responsibilities, to have no agenda, to have no worries…that would mean that I have no opportunity to make a difference. No chance to impact and play big!
And playing BIG and IMPACTING lives is what I was put on this earth to do!
Why are you here? What is your purpose??
So, as nice as it is to mentally escape to a simple paradise, I am thankful for the pit of my stomach being uneasy.
Because it reminds me that I’m not done evolving.
That I’m not done learning.
That I’m not done experiencing all the great things I want for my life!
You and I have decided to take the road less traveled… and I promise you…it does make all the difference!
Cheers to you and the scary, bumpy, deeply authentic journey!