But Women Earn Less Than Men [and Other Crazy Nonsense]

“It’s so sad that women tear each other down!”   “Women only earn $0.75 to every $1.00 that men make!”

I call total BS on these statements!

You know why?  Because never have I witnessed a better time for women to have access to active, supportive, women-centered business communities (like Biz Women Rock!) nor have I ever seen so many women totally crushing their financial goals in their companies!   (Quick admission: I was an “angry feminist” back in my college days.  And while I don’t regret one second of it, business has forced me to evolve to a new belief system.  I call it the “Law of Entrepreneurial Egalitarianism.”)

The Law of Entrepreneurial Egalitarianism: the energy that opens up the floodgates of success when an individual – man or woman – taps into the beautiful, limitless potential that entrepreneurship provides.  Entrepreneurship levels the playing field.  

I’m sure there are plenty of folks who disagree with me on that, but here’s why I choose to believe it.

  1. A business model doesn’t care what gender you are.  If you’re doing smart things in your business, providing great value and always working on growth, the world is your oyster.
  2. Oprah, Marie Forleo and Sarah Blakely.  Three of the wealthiest women never put focus on why it’s so hard being a woman in business.  Only on being GREAT entrepreneurs and leaders!
  3. There are SOOOo many women-centered resources!  Collaborative groups for business women are everywhere!  Full of education, forums, resources and ultimately platforms for them to help each other!  So much for this “tearing each other down” rhetoric…all the evidence shows we are raising each other up like crazy!

It’s so easy to make macro level statements like the ones at the beginning of this post.  And there are definitely numbers to back them up.   So, I’m not claiming they’re untrue.

I just don’t believe putting any energy into these statements gets us anywhere.

So, I choose to focus my attitude in business on ABUNDANCE.  Togetherness amongst amazing women like yourself!  Financial abundance that’s available to us all.  The ability to live out our dreams and passions through our businesses like never before!   We’re making waves…everyday!  You are a one-woman revolution as you build your business and your arms are locked with other one-woman revolutionists around the world through this amazing Biz Women Rock community!   Thank you so much for being a part of it and for living your dreams with me!   And abundance of love to you!

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