BWR 183: How to Manage Client Expectations and Leveraging Great Relationships To Build Your Business With Janice Clark

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Janice Clark of BizMSolutions to Find Out!

Janice Clark started her entrepreneur career by being a personal assistant for a few clients here and there.  Since then, her business has evolved immensely into the powerhouse it is today!  BizMSolutions provides social media services and Virtual Assistant services to small and medium sized business around the world!  In this fantastic interview, Janice goes deep into her belief that RELATIONSHIP drive everything!  She shares how she manages clients’ expectations (I share my favorite at the end!), how she leverages current client relationships and how she focuses on building new relationships that will eventually feed her.  Amazing conversation!!  She also discusses what truly stresses her out and how she handles it!


Janice’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

It takes 9 months to have a baby.  Nine women can’t have a baby in a month, no matter how hard you try.

If you are running a business these days, if you are using social media or any other type of marketing and you’re only thinking about ‘how can I get my next client,’ you are thinking way too small.

You need to be doing everything you can to encourage those relationships.

Resources We Discussed





Find Out More about Janice and BizMSolutions!

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