5 Ways to Leverage Facebook Groups for Your Business

For the past year, I’ve had the privilege of running one of the coolest Facebook Groups I know…the BWR Connect, the private group for the Biz Women Rock community (okay, so that’s a totally biased opinion).  🙂


All joking aside, I’ve been enmeshed in Facebook Groups quite a bit, both as an organizer and as a member.  And being so up close and personal has given me a unique vantage point of how YOU, a participant within groups, can truly leverage their power to benefit your business!


  1. Make yourself known.  It’s very easy to be a quiet observer in a Facebook Group.  Plenty of action going on, posts to ponder, people to see.  But taking action and posting often can establish you as a leader within the group.
  2. Comment on others’ posts.  Taking the time to comment on other members’ posts shows that you care, you’re interactive and that you took the time to read and ponder the post someone made.  If you show others love, they are bound to show you love back.
  3. Don’t try to get business.  Wait, what?!  Yes, yes, I know I started this email with how you could get business out of Facebook Groups, but bear with me.  The purpose of participating in a Facebook Group is NOT to push market yourself.  It’s NOT to post all about you and your services and shove your message in front of the other group members.  It’s about attraction marketing.  Facebook Groups give you a platform to become a thought leader and someone who is worth learning more about! Spamming a group will not only piss off everyone else in the group, but (at least in my group) it’ll get you kicked out.
  4. Help others.  The business philosophy I’ve always believed in is: give, give, give…then you’ll receive.  Nowhere is this more obvious than on social media.  And especially in a Facebook Group.  When you help your fellow members out by commenting on their posts, answering their questions, private messaging them with support if appropriate, you become memorable and top of mind.  Which translates into others wanting to know more about you and wanting to help you!
  5. Be proactive with your fellow members.  Notice another member has something that another is asking for? Tag them in the post to connect them.  See a post on a member’s timeline about something great they did? Give them a shout out in the group! Have a resource that could help another member? Share it with them! Whatever you do, actively look for ways you can help your fellow members!


But Katie, I don’t have the time to be so active in all these groups! you might be thinking.  Okay, then just choose ONE and commit to being active in some way every day.


What if I’m not in any groups? Go join one!  You can search in Facebook according to your interests and it will show all the different groups that might be a good fit for you!  Go check them out and jump right in!


What Results Can You Get From Using Facebook Groups Correctly?


By becoming a thought leader, giver and person of interest within a Facebook Group, you can benefit in a multitude of ways.  Business can come directly your way.  Opportunities for partnerships can find you.  Offers to speak can happen.


When you make yourself a valuable resource within a Facebook Group, you become visible, approachable and memorable…all which will help your business!


So go become a Facebook Groupie and let me know what results you see using these strategies!


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