When I quit my corporate job in 2009, I had $30k in the bank and just knew I was only months away from replacing my income. My boyfriend (now hubby) had a 9 month old business and he was ecstatic to have me help full time. I thought to myself, with two of us working this business, we can surely make it profitable quickly! I dove into the business with all my energy and fell in love with entrepreneurship right away…the freedom, the ability to have my work impact people, the constant challenges that called upon my resourcefulness. The hubs and I worked as a team…he as the genius marketer and face of the organization and me as the operator and systems gal behind the scenes. I loved it. And hated it. It was never comfortable…it was always challenging and directly conflicted with my problem-solving mind that wanted to create a easy systematic fix-all that we could put into place and leave alone.
But that’s now how business works. It’s always changing, always evolving, always moving.
Which is why, three years into it, I was broke. Because while we had done a great job of keeping the doors open to the company and growing it, we had not learned how to pay ourselves first yet. Which meant that instead of that innocent vision I had had when I first quit my job of the business easily replacing my income, I was looking at a bank balance that was enough to pay my mortgage for 2 more months (did I mention that I had cashed in my 401k at this point and racked up $30,000 in credit card debt?). I was freaked out!
What happened next was a succession of events that dramatically changed how I approach business. I got a full time job for a short period of time (you gotta do what you gotta do, right?) which allowed me some breathing room while we figured out how to make the business finance our lives.
I attended a Tony Robbins event, which completely changed my money mindset forever, finally getting the idea of abundance and how focusing my attention on how to provide value will always ensure my bills are paid.
I gained confidence in my business skills and began having a bigger leadership role in the company.
Slowly but surely, we created a regular revenue stream for our lives by doing something we truly loved.
But all along the way, I was alone in my little bubble. No one in my family is an entrepreneur, so they couldn’t really get it when I talked to them about the inevitable ups and downs. And I couldn’t talk to our local members, because even though they were entrepreneurs themselves, they were clients and how could I possibly share my challenges when they themselves were investing in our organization? I constantly talked to my husband, of course, but he didn’t seem to have quite the experience I did…the self-doubt, the management of so many responsibilities, the frustration that things didn’t happen as fast as I wanted them to…these were not his experiences.
But I knew there were other women entrepreneurs out there like me. Others who were ambitious and confident and resourceful and successful and doubting and unsure and imperfect.
So in February 2014, I started the Biz Women Rock podcast as a way for me to connect with them and bring their real stories to other women business owners like me.
The idea took off and within months, thousands of women entrepreneurs were listening and getting value from the show. So, I started a private Facebook Group so we could all talk to each other and share our struggles, successes and experiences in real time. And for the next year and half, all I did was focus on giving…sharing the podcast, blog posts and other resources that would be helpful for my fellow biz women. I was becoming a community leader in the online world, which was a new business model for me. Suddenly, I was paying attention to funnels and online courses and programs and social media platforms in a way I never had before. All of a sudden…I had an online business. And while I continued to work our local business full time, I experimented with my part time company to see how I might be able to serve and create a profitable online business.
And then, something happened that changed everything.
I became a mom.
(pic of me and Sedona here)
It was the perfect excuse to exit our local company and allow me the freedom to be a mompreneur full time!
Except I found out quickly that running a business and raising a baby (and managing the household and staying fit and being a great friend and making time for my hubs and, and, and…) wasn’t as cut and dry or as easy as I thought.
So in August 2016, when my little one was just 9 months old and Biz Women Rock was 2 ½, I took myself on a “Katie Retreat” and gave birth to what is now the foundation of this amazing company.
As a business coach and strategist, a mastermind facilitator, education provider and community leader, I am constantly fulfilling my dreams of helping other women entrepreneurs build businesses that are vehicles for living lives of freedom, purpose and abundance. My goal is for you to know that you’re not alone and that we are all on this journey together!
Which is why I’m an open book and sharing my own journey along the way. I will never claim to be “the expert,” just a fellow female entrepreneur who uses my gifts to help you find the answers and strategies and support we all need to enjoy this journey!
So no matter where you are in your journey, know that there are other women who have been there too. And in connecting in our suffering and challenges, we tap into STRENGTH that empowers us each to live vibrantly in this crazy life of an entrepreneur we’ve chosen! 🙂
A Few Interesting Facts About Me…
I’m vegan(ish) and can’t stand the idea of animals suffering.
I have 10 Varsity Letters from High School sports…my all time fav was softball! (which I played for awhile in college)
I lived in Mexico for a semester in college and can speak Spanish fluently (although I most likely have the vocabulary of a elementary school kid…but still!).
I am insanely introspective and journal almost every day.
I’m one of 6 kids (#4 in the line up…any wonder why I need to achieve to stand out?) 🙂
I have a pet bird Sammy and one day want to open up a animal sanctuary.
I love being on or near the water and do my best to get to the beach every week!
I’m a hugger.
I’m obsessed with Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations podcast
I do my best to meditate every day