PODCASTING FOR YOUR BUSINESS |How to Monetize Your Podcast
The PODCASTING FOR YOUR BUSINESS SERIES is HERE! This series is chalk-full of information for anyone who wants to start a podcast and anyone who is currently podcasting who wants to make their podcast work better for their business! This series shares the world of podcasting with you through a variety of angles including networks, engaging your audience, the super niche, monetizing, impacting industries and so much more. It also features a special RESOURCE GUIDE – an audio directory of podcasting products and services that can help you along your own podcasting journey!
HOW TO MONETIZE YOUR PODCAST. This continues to be the #1 question most podcasters receive! During this well rounded episode, I do my best to give you a variety of examples on how podcasters make money with their podcasts. The episode kicks off with an interview with Diane Daniels of the Medicate Nation podcast (http://medicarenation.com) and then launches in to back to back commentaries from SIX other amazing podcasters who share 5-15 minute stories about how they monetize and how their podcast has impacted their bottom line! It features examples from Cate Stillman of the Yogahealer podcast (http://yogahealer.com), Jessica Rhodes of The Podcast Producers (http://thepodcastproducers.com), Stacey Simms of Diabetes Connections (http://diabetes-connections.com), Graham Duke of Rex Factor (https://rexfactor.wordpress.com), Amy Whitney (http://realenglishconversations.com), and Kristen Baker of How Successful Women Found Their Calling (http://kristenbakercoach.com/). They each have a different way they have made money with their podcasts…this episode has a TON of wisdom!
Resources Mentioned:
Podfest Multimedia Expo: The best podcast conference for Independents and digital influencers! February 23-25 in Orlando, Florida. This conference is a MUST! Click HERE to register and use your code bwr to get a massive deal! http://podfest.us
Want to Spend Your Time Working on What You LOVE in Your Business?
Then it’s time to hand over your podcast editing to the professionals!
Emerald City Productions is a full service recording studio that provides production, engineering and editing. If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, would like help making your current show sound better, or are just interested in voice coaching to improve your videos and webinars, Emerald City Productions will make you sound your best!
Best part? As a member of the Biz Women Rock Community, you get a special deal! Your first 4 podcast productions are just $15 each! Whaaaat?!! Thats right, just $15 each and after that, the investment is $40 per episode. Seriously…that is so worth your time!
Check out what Danny & his team can do to help you clear your schedule of your podcast production!