A Baby, a Toddler, a Brand New Law Practice and a Baby Friendly Office with Attorney Chelsie Lamie

A Baby, a Toddler, a Brand New Law Practice and a Baby Friendly Office with Attorney Chelsie Lamie

You may initially think Chelsie Lamie, Personal Injury Attorney was crazy for opening up her private practice when her youngest son was just 6 months old and her older son was a toddler.   But after listening to this podcast episode, you’ll understand that she is actually quite brilliant.  As the sole income provider for her family of four, she definitely had a lot of fear, but ended her first year in business very successfully!  During our interview, Chelsie shares what encouraged her to jump out on her own (with encouraging words from her grandfather), her belief in delegating as much as you can as your budget allows (she shares her favorite tool for outsourcing her grocery shopping!) and what she does when she’s having a rough day.  We also talk in depth about the baby friendly office she created Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  During those days, her company provides in-office daycare for her kids, the kids of her team members and the kids of her clients…amazing idea, right?!  She gives some great tools on how to make that a success and ultimately how to make your life as a mom and your life as a business woman work!



Parenting in the Workplace Institute –> http://www.babiesatwork.org/
Shipt Grocery Delivery –> https://www.shipt.com/

Find out more about Chelsie here! http://chelsielamie.com/

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