BWR 136: Angela Wright: From Amusement Parks to Reputation Marketing

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Angela Wright of Optimising Business to find out!

Angela Wright loved her farming childhood so much that she decided that everyone should experience it!  She created Crealy Great Adventure Parks in the UK and expanded into multiple locations.  After 20 years, millions of visitors and hundreds of employees later, she and her family decided they wanted an adventure of their own.  So she packed up and moved to Australia and started Optimising Business, a consultancy focused on reputation marketing!  In this inspirational interview, Angela shares her secrets to managing so many moving parts of an international business and tips you need to know about how to leverage your online reputation!


Angela’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

I’m a big one for writing things down and having a plan because if you don’t have a written plan, you can’t improve it…it’s just too nebulous.

Your most important customers are your staff or anybody helping you.

Your second most important customer is who is going to buy your business when you want to sell it.

Angela’s Favorite 5:

1. Book: How I Made It & How to Make a Million Before Lunch by Rachel Bridge (get a free audio of this book now!)

2. Social media platform: Google+

3. Dessert: All of them!

4. Way to spoil herself: curl up with a good book

5. Animal: humans! (it’ll make sense when you listen)


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Check Out Today’s AWESOME Sponsors!


PostcardMania – Your number one choice for PROVEN Marketing that produces results!



LinkedIn Focus – Only the most effective strategies that help you reach your business goals!


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