You Can’t Do This Alone

You Can’t Do This Alone

Business, just like life, is not a solo sport. It requires you talk to people. It requires you brainstorm with others. It requires you share the intimate parts of your business ideas with other people, leaving yourself open to ideas, critiques and suggestions.… Read the...
What Can Happen When You Take the Word “Hard” Out of Your Vocabulary

What Can Happen When You Take the Word “Hard” Out of Your Vocabulary

How many times a day do you say the word “hard?” I was interviewing the fabulous Carissa Hill recently (her interview on the podcast is officially LIVE…you can listen here!) and I asked her how in the world she is able to grow a multi-six figure business (she had a recent launch than earned her over $500k alone!) and be a mom of a 6 month old.… Read the...