The Biz Resources That ROCKED 2014!

The Biz Resources That ROCKED 2014!

**NOTE: I am a proud affiliate for some of the below resources because I use them and believe in their value!


1. Podcaster’s  Paradise 

Podcast Education & Community!


Why I love Podcaster’s Paradise

Hundreds of video tutorials that help with the minutia, access to incredible podcast resources and an entire community of other podcasters who help to support one another!  If 2015 is your year to podcast, Podcaster’s Paradise is a MUST!  Best investment I made in my business in 2014!

Go to Podcaster’s Paradise to sign up today!

2. Google Drive

Organize, Share & Systemize…for Free!


Why I’m Obsessed With Google Drive

I love spreadsheets, keeping data, sharing information and communicating with my team efficiently!  Between Google documents (I use them to keep email templates and operations training), spreadsheets (I use them for financial reporting, future event planning and guest booking), Google drawings (great for flow charts!) and Google Voice (free phone number so you don’t have to give out your cell phone!), Google can do no wrong in my eyes!  😉

Check out Google Drive today!


3. Facebook Groups

Leverage the Power of Other Amazing People With Similar Interests!

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Why 2014 Was the Year of Facebook Groups

Website forums are so 2013!  Facebook groups are the new way to congregate and collaborate…a great, social way to intimately connect with other people who have similar interests.  Here are some of my favs:

  • BWR Connect: The official private group for the Biz Women Rock community! (okay, of course I like this one!).  Join today!
  • She Podcasts: If you’re a lady and you podcast…you gotta be a part of this awesome group!  Join here!
  • The Biz Chix Coop: Another great group of business chix!  Join here!


4. Tony Robbin’s New Money Book

Money: Master the Game


Why You Need to Read This Book

My husband and I listened to Tony’s book on audio on our cross country drive in December.  Absolutely mind-blowing.  What new money information could Tony possibly offer that hasn’t been said before?  You’d be amazed.  These insights and strategies are delivered with simplicity and, in true Tony style, plenty of inspiration and information that forces you to take action!  I already made some MAJOR financial shifts because of this book!

You can get Tony’s audio book FREE by clicking here!

Prefer to hold the book in your hands?  Just click HERE!


5. Evernote

Remember Everything


Why You’ll Fall In Love With Evernote (if you haven’t already)

I keep notes on every one of my guests here! Both my Assistant and I can add / delete notes and see what we need to see.  Love the search function to find information I wrote months prior!  And (my fav part) I can access it from my phone anytime I need the info!

  • Type notes
  • Store documents
  • Record audio
  • Capture photos
  • Saves information across all devices
  • Access from everywhere!
  • Free!

Start Your Evernote Account Today for FREE!


6. Infusionsoft

CRM, Email Marketing & eCommerce


Why I Love Infusionsoft

Even though I had been using Infusionsoft for 5 years, it wasn’t until 2014 that I really got to see what it was capable of!  Marketing campaigns, keeping track of customers, private membership areas, complex purchasing options…I love Infusionsoft for its versatility!  If you haven’t yet set up a CRM (Customer Relationship Management system), check this one out!

Find Out More About Infusionsoft HERE!


7. Emails You Will Love to Read!

These emails will make you happy!


Why You Should Open and Read These Emails

Yes, I’m sure your inbox is innundated with unwanted and unread messages too.  But, here are emails that I absolutely LOVE to read!  Full of great insights and well worth your time!

  • Seth Godin’s Blog: Simply amazing.  Great business and marketing information in digestible snippets. Subscribe here!
  • Notes From the Universe: Just go subscribe.  You’ll see why.  Daily messages sent directly to you from this amazing universe…you’ll see.
  • Oh She Glows: A phenomenal vegan food blog! Vegan or not, this girl has incredible recipes that will actually get you excited about cooking after a long work day!  Subscribe here!

8. LeadPages

The Internet’s Next Generation of Lead Generation


Why You HAVE to Have LeadPages

I felt like an idiot when I first Googled LeadPages.  It seemed like everyone was talking about it and I couldn’t figure out what the hell it actually was!  But then I met Tim Paige, who is with LeadPages and he rocked my world with the power of this lead generation tool!  LeadPages is THE EASIEST way to build lead capture pages, webinar registration pages, opt in forms and any other web page where you want to gather information.  Easy to use templates connect with your CRM and make it sooooo freakin’ easy!  Tim gives webinars regularly so you can fully comprehend just how powerful this tool can be for your business growth!

Check out LeadPages by Clicking HERE!


9. Audible

A world of education and information for your ears!


Why Didn’t I Get This Sooner?!

That’s exactly what I asked myself after I finished my first audio book from Audible.  I’m a podcaster and I love to drive, so of course I love audio books!  No more trips to the library for CDs (yes, I did that a lot!).  For just $15/month, you can download any book you want and listen at your leisure (believe me, one a month is plenty!).  Through Audible, I’ve listened to a plethora of books that have impacted my business greatly!

Click HERE to Download Your First Book For FREE!



10. Trello

A Project Management Tool You Can’t Live Without!


Why Trello Rocks

Trello is a phenomenal way to organize your projects and communicate with your team.  Get away from sending emails back and forth (and subsequently losing them in your inbox) and get your team on Trello!  I use it for my local business to manage our events (17 each month) and each team member can clearly see what they’re responsible for and when things are due!  Great place to store all information needed for the projects and know where you are at all times!  LOVE THIS TOOL!  Oh, and did I mention that it’s totally FREE?  Woop! Woop!

Check Out Trello HERE!


Each of these resources has had a major impact on the Biz Women Rock podcast and community and my local Tampa Bay Business Owners organization!  I would LOVE to hear what other resources you’ve come across that made an impact on your business and life in 2014!!  Comment below!

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