Every Wednesday we will be highlighting one business woman and her professional story.
Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we would like to introduce you to Carla White, another fabulous business woman. She is an independent app producer passionate about marrying practical psychology and mobile technology. With a background in human factors, she launched her first app, Gratitude Journal (www.getgratitude.co), in 2008 and it instantly shot up to #1 and was hailed in the major news publications around the globe–all on a meager $500 budget. Her apps thrive in the top of the iTunes charts for years and are continually featured USA Today, Oprah, NPR, LifeHacker and countless other publications, making organic growth possible as well as raising money for charity. She has created a successful formula to bring app ideas to market faster and to take iTunes by storm–all without breaking the bank–which she shares in her top selling book, Idea to iPhone (ideatoiphone.com).
Carla, we love what you’re doing not only in the business world, but in the tech community that is not used to seeing talented females dominate! Keep up the amazing work!
Carla’s Favorite Quote
Do what you love to help others succeed and you will always love what you do.
If you’re interested in being featured on a Business Women Wednesday click the nomination button below and don’t forget to check out today’s amazing podcast!