BWR 018: Dr. Catherine Havasi: How to Bring Technology to Market

What does it really take to bring a unique technology to the market successfully?

Listen to our Interview with Dr. Catherine Havasi, Founder of Luminoso to find out!

Dr. Catherine Havasi has been interested in and researching language for quite a long time.  Her company Luminoso is a software that makes computers decipher language the same way that humans do.  The fact that Siri often gives you some less-than-appropriate replies to your requests should tell you that this is not super easy to do! In this interview, Catherine talks about how she got started, how she built out the technology and what business lessons she’s learned along the way!


Catherine’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

Where I’m spending most of my time is a good indicator of where the company focus is.

You want to build a team that can stand alone without you being there.

When you have a very broad platform, one of the biggest lessons you need to learn is focus.


Katie’s Favorite Take-a-Ways

Let Your Actions Tell Your Company Where to Go

Totally LOVED Catherine’s point of view about where she spends her time in her business! She states that where she spends her time is an indicator on where her business is going.  So if you’re going to be spending time doing the menial tasks, your business does not focus on BIG GROWTH…it focuses on menial.  What’s the solution?  Let your actions be focused on the BIG picture, the strategy and the vision of the company…and get others to do the other stuff.  Your business will get the message.  🙂

Ask Your Potential Clients…Without Trying To Sell Them

In the beginning, Catherine took her software to companies and asked a ton of questions…including would you actually use something like this? and Would you pay for this?  They said yes.  By surveying her market this way, she knew very clearly that there was a need, that it was craving her product and that she could provide value clients would PAY for. 


Find out more about Catherine & Luminoso!





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