How to Be a Full Time Mommy and Have a Thriving Business with Author Maria Dismondy

How to Be a Full Time Mommy and Have a Thriving Business with Author Maria Dismondy

I think I subconsciously created this Mompreneur Series because of Maria Dismondy.  She’s been a dear friend of mine ever since we were in a mastermind together in 2015.  We’re currently accountability partners, so I have the advantage of having an intimate view of how Maria manages her business and her kids and I always stand in awe.  Of course she has tough times, times when things don’t go according to plan – which we definitely discuss in this interview – but she has created an incredible mompreneur life that I greatly respect!  Maria is a children’s book author, having written 8 books that teach kids character and she’s also owns Cardinal Rule Press, her publishing company.  She speaks to schools both live and in person and overall, runs an incredibly impressive empire “part time” and from her house!


Maria is the mother of 3 kids, Ruby, Leah and Dexter and during this incredible conversation, Maria shares incredible tips on how she manages her time so she can be a full time mom (read: does not have regular childcare) and grow her business in the mornings, during nap times and at night!  Because I know Maria to be a super creative person with a teaching background, she also shares AMAZING ideas on how to plan the time she spends with her kids!  She shares about how she has a “Crafts Closet,” full of goodies that she can take out and use on a whim, how she relies heavily on Pinterest to come up with ideas on fun projects to do and, after the interview, Maria shared with me that she creates seasonal bucket lists with her kids so she doesn’t get into a run or ever run out of fun things to do!  This interview is full of great strategies and ideas on how to get the most out of your mompreneur journey!
Here’s a pic of her Crafts Closet 🙂

maria Dismondy's


Check out more about Maria here →


And check out the free gift I have for you!  My Mompreneur Mission Statement – a quick guide to help you state your values are as a mom and an entrepreneur so you can rock your biz! →


Resources Mentioned:

Homeschool: Crafts for at home

Spring Board:

Summer Board:

maria dismondy 2



How long have you been an entrepreneur? How long have you been a mother? How long have you walked the path where the two intersect?

Whether it’s been one week or 20 years, you totally get that this particular road is simultaneously amazing and freaking hard!

Almost 18 months ago, I began that journey…one I had no idea would be so…FULL!

And in this time, I’ve come to understand one thing…this mompreneur thing is tough and it takes some serious planning, support and a hell of a lot of grace to live vibrantly in the two areas of your life that are so important to you…your business and your kids.

Being a mompreneur is a very special subset of the entrepreneur’s journey and one that I am obviously very passionate about!

Because there are so many of us trying our best to ROCK in this arena, I’m opening up MOMPRENEUR MASTERY, a 6 week group coaching program that will help you thrive on your own mompreneur journey!


Every week for 6 weeks, you and your fellow Mompreneurs will be meeting on a live virtual call as we discuss the week’s lesson and conduct a mini mastermind so you can best support each other!

Here’s what you’ll learn…

Week 1: Establishing Your Mompreneur Values. We’ll dive deep into your own Mompreneur Mission Statement and use this as a foundation to come up with your own “mompreneur equation,” how much time you’re spending growing your business and how much time you’re spending being an amazing mom! This equation will help you structure your entire life so you can build your actions on top of it! You’ll be amazed at how much relief you’ll feel when your eyes SEE what’s important to you!

Week 2: Establishing Your Mompreneur Mindset Practice. We’re establishing powerful mindset habits early on so you can see the effects immediately and all throughout the program! You’ll learn a ton of different mindset prompts and practices you can use so you can create your own daily practice that works best for you! Most importantly, you’ll experience first hand why mindset work is foundational to your entire mompreneur journey!

Week 3: Mastering Your Mompreneur Schedule. This is where the rubber meets the road! You’ll learn powerful strategies to create the ideal schedule that allows you to ROCK OUT your business and your life as a mommy! This will include tips on how to organize your days, where to put business and mommy activities and how to fit in all the other important things in your life (like time for you and your partner, time for your fitness, time for YOU TIME, etc.)!

Week 4: Mastering Your Priorities: Getting the RIGHT Things Done. Once you’ve blocked out the time to do business activities, then it’s about making sure the right activities get done so you can have serious GROWTH in your business! During this lesson, you’ll get the blueprint for how to maximize your time…how to get the most important things done first so you can feel the effects in your business’ bottom line and vision!

Week 5: Leveraging Your Mompreneur Support System. You cannot do this journey alone. You must call in your army of support so you can thrive in business and in your life as a mom! You’ll learn who you need on your mompreneur team, including household support, business support and how you can find your fellow mompreneurs to lean on! You’ll learn about incredible tools and strategies that can give you the support you need!

Week 6: Planning Your Long-Term Mompreneur Success. This mompreneur thing is constantly evolving. During our final week, you’ll learn about how to take everything you’ve learned and make it stick and work for your life! A few of my favorite mompreneurs will be joining us to share their wisdom at how they’ve made their businesses and their babies work beautifully in their lives for the long-term and how they strategically and intelligently manage the evolution!

The Mompreneur Mastery Program is Ideal for You if…

* You have a young one (or more) and you’re struggling to find your “business mojo” (ie. you can’t seem to get your business to produce the results you want it to!)

* You feel “out of balance” in any area of your life – your business, your fitness, your relationship, your mommyhood, etc.

* You’re getting your business running after years of being a mom and you’re challenged with integrating your business into your well-established mom routine!

* You’re just starting your life as a mom and you need help integrating it into the love you have for your business!

* You’re feeling guilty and stressed that you’re not giving your business or your kid(s) the best of you!

* You’re feeling overly stressed and anxious trying to make everything work in your life and you’re suffering big time because of it! (ie. not enjoying the journey!)

* You truly believe you can HAVE IT ALL!!! You can have a thriving, successful and FUN business AND be a present, lively and amazing mother all at once and you just want to know HOW to make it all work!

The Mompreneur Mastery Program includes…

* 6 Weeks of focused lessons that build upon one another and produce results!

* Weekly mini-mastermind sessions for you to connect with, support and lean on your fellow mompreneurs!

* A private Facebook Group to share the results of your weekly homework and get 24-7 support from your fellow students!

* Weekly guidance, tools and homework to ensure your mompreneur mastery lessons impact your life!

* Private access to me during your 6 week program for help, support and strategies to help you thrive at your own mompreneur journey!

The Mompreneur Mastery Program begins on April 17th, so make sure to reserve your spot today!

–>> Register now for the Mompreneur Mastery Program: 6 Weeks to Thriving as a Mompreneur! <<–

Don’t wait! Reserve your spot HERE for The Mompreneur Mastery Program today!

You have no limits!!

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