How to Host Live Events to Build Your Business with Shelli Warren of SheConnex

 How to Host Live Events to Build Your Business with Shelli Warren of SheConnex


This episode is perfect for you if you’ve ever wanted to host a live event to help your business grow or if you already host live events, but want to do them better.  I couldn’t be happier to interview the fabulous Shelli Warren today!  

She owns SheConnex, a company that provides women entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals the space to become better leaders and grow their businesses!  She is a coach and creates live events for amazing women to connect.

Shelli shares how she built her entire business from hosting live events and during this interview, she shares so many great tiny and big ways she’s done it!  She talks about how she structures her events, how she markets them and how she ensures that every attendee has an amazing experience!  

Check out more about Shelli and SheConnex here →

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