BWR 065: Isabel Foxen Duke: Changing Women’s Crazy Relationship With Food

How do you shift a massive cultural belief system and have a thriving business because of it?

Listen to our Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke, Blogger & Coach to find out!

Isabel Foxen Duke spent her youth on diet after diet, trying to win the war of weight loss. Realizing this constant roller coaster was actually crazy, she spent her young adult years trying to find the solution for getting out of this way of living. She discovered solutions that worked for her and passionately began blogging about her experiences, knowing she wanted to help other women stop the craziness as well! Through focus on growing her email list, she began engaging an ever-growing number of women with her stories and ideas and strategies and many of these women turned into coaching clients for her. She has built a healthy 6 figure business as a coach and is on the precipice of scaling out her business with products that everyone can access! In this incredible interview, Isabel shares all the details on how she’s built her list, how she manages her writing and all the ups and downs she’s had along the way!


Isabel’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

There’s this myth that we have to sell weight loss otherwise women won’t buy our products.

The only way for me to stay on the cutting edge and to stay relevant is to bring something new to the table.

The biggest issue for me is definitely just managing my time appropriately.


Find out more about Isabel and her plan for world domination here! 🙂

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