BWR 131: Laurie Itkin: How To Invest Your Way To Financial Freedom

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Laurie Itkin of The Options Lady!

Laurie Itkin was a good little corporate gal until one day, she didn’t feel satisfied anymore.  As she began planning her own business, she realized that she had the perfect skills and passion for helping others invest.  She had, after all, become a millionaire by the time she was 40 because of her investments…of course she could help others!  Following a model of multiple streams of income, she launched The Options Lady to provide financial coaching to women, is a money manager for a firm in San Diego, speaks and is the author of Every Woman Should Know Her Options:  Invest Your Way to Financial Empowermentan Amazon best-seller!  In this inspiring interview, she walks us through her business model and how she’s grown her business by leveraging tons of platforms to BE VISIBLE!!


Laurie’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

Everything has to do with money and return on investment, and I don’t look at the emotions, I look at the numbers.

The happiest people are those that have multiple streams of income.

You have to be ready to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week, you are always working to build this business.  Because if you don’t have that kind of inertia and you don’t have to have that kind of stamina, you’re not going to get anything done.  You have to be constantly driving yourself.

Laurie’s Favorite 5:

1. Biz Book: Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Siegel (get a free audio of this book now!)

2. Business Tool: Constant Contact – email marketing!

3. Date night: Watching John Stuart and Stephen Colbert with her husband.

4. Workout: Squash

5. Way to relax: yoga

Get Laurie’s Book Here!



Find out more about Laurie and The Options Lady!

The Options Lady

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