My Podcasting Vision: Oh It’s Soooo ON!

In this crazy journey called business, there are a plethora of ups and downs.  Some days are awesome and some days just plain suck.


Today is one of those awesome days for me.

It’s not a particularly special day.  It’s Sunday and as I’m writing this in the late afternoon, my birds are happily climbing on me, my husband is taking a nap and the house is filled with glorious silence.  As a lover of the outdoors, I would usually feel a twinge of cabin fever…the weather is beautiful and I LOOOOVE exploring outside!  But today, I feel truly inspired as I’m sitting on my couch.

Today I wrote down my vision. And it’s because of these simple sentences that I’m all jazzed up and wanting to share with you.


As a part of the Business Women Rock! Community, I want to share with you what’s coming up…

My Vision for the Business Women Rock! Community:

In exactly one year from today, the Business Women Rock! podcast will have earned 500,000 downloads (today, we’re at 15,000!). The amazing community of business women will be thriving as we all come together to share, educate and inspire one another through stories, education, masterminds and tons of other creative and effective ways! Listeners from all over the globe will tune in to hear the journeys of kick a$$ business women and will forever be impacted by their stories.

That’s a very simple, yet profound vision, but I wanted to share it with you for 3 reasons:

1. So you know that my purpose is one of providing value for this incredible community of business women!

2. So you can be inspired to write down just a few sentences about YOUR vision and YOUR goals.

3. So we can both have something to look back on one year from today and take note of how far we’ve come!


Here’s the the journey we are both about to embark upon.


Let the games begin!



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