Most entrepreneurs have the same challenge. We’re idea machines. We love innovating and creating new things. This newness is what keeps us alive, it’s what keeps things interesting. But quite easily, we get distracted with the next big idea before we’ve had time to properly execute the last one. Ask us to have singular focus on ONE goal, on ONE vision and we get bored. We feel trapped.
But the smartest and most successful entrepreneurs know that in order to reach truly massive heights, they must master one thing: FOCUS.
In the past 6 1/2 years, my local organization has put on hundreds of events. From 2 people in attendance to over 600 people. But never have we pulled off something on the scale of the Business Symposium before.
It all started with an idea in my husband’s head. Great educational show, vendor booths, massive venue, 400 people in attendance. That’s what he saw and what he communicated to the team. Then, there was only one thing to do.
But how do you actually focus in and execute instead of letting your ideas be half attempted projects that end up fizzling and dying?
1. Write down the vision: This doesn’t have to be anything dramatic. For us, we simply wrote on our big white board:
Business Symposium
400 people
12 associations involved
You can be as detailed or as bullet pointed as you like, but the power of writing down the vision and making it visible will ensure that it continues to stay top of mind.
2. Break it into milestones. Take your vision and break it into digestible pieces. This ensures that you will take action to reach minor goals, thus making it easier to reach your big goal.
3. Communicate the vision with your team and clearly divide up roles. This is vital! In order to properly execute your vision, you must share it with those who have a hand in making it happen. You must get their buy in, and even more than that, the passion and purpose you have for your vision must be taken up by them!
4. Execute! Take massive action toward your vision. And check in with your team often to ensure they are doing the same.
5. Celebrate your success. Once you’ve realized your vision, look back and give yourself and your team a huge pat on the back for a job well done. Be in the moment and then dream up the next vision!
These steps sound lovely, but in the real world, when you have more than this one vision to think about, it can easily get lost in the noise of your everyday responsibilities and other projects.
How am I supposed to stay focused when my attention is being directed in so many other ways?
You just decide.
Decide that this vision is a priority and do it. Prioritize your days to accommodate your vision. End of story.
When all is said and done, our very first Business Symposium had 411 attendees, 60 vendor booths and 18 associations participating! We were elated and owe it all to focusing on the vision and and taking focused action!
What vision are YOU committed to manifesting with the power of focus?