BWR 103: Susan Petersen: Building a $5 Million Baby Moccasins Empire

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Susan Petersen of Freshly Picked to find out!

Susan is a powerhouse! She started her company Freshly Picked after she was desperate to find a moccasins for her son, since they were the only shoe that would actually stay on him!  But, when she couldn’t find anything, she made her own.  Though she admits she was not the best sales person nor designer, her company has skyrocketed as her unique design has found a huge audience of moms who are loving them! In this inspiring interview, Susan shares really intimate details about how she went from having panic attacks because she was doing everything herself to hiring her first employee to building a $5 million business!  She was also featured on Shark Tank and her business has boomed!


Susan’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

I’m a really hard worker and I think that has been able to get me through the dumb things that I’ve done.

That’s how you get to that next step is by breaking everything that you want to do in that year down to what you need to do today to get it accomplished.

It’s not your first hire, but your first fire that makes you a business owner.

Susan’s Favorite 5:

1. Business Tool: Her iPhone

2. Biz Book: eMyth Revisited by Michael Gerber (get a free audio of this book now!)

3. Mommy Online Resource: Instagram

4. Date Night: Dinner and shopping

5. Way to spoil yourself: Sunday nap


Find out more about Susan and Freshly Picked!

Freshly Picked


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