The ONE Thing: One Easy Step to Fast Success

You’ve been told that success is hard, right?


That it takes years and years of blood, sweat and tears to see results.


But that’s simply not true.


It takes just ONE THING…


The complete adoption of THE ONE THING attitude.


A few days ago, a friend of mine thrust a book in my face.  “Katie, you have to read this!”  Fire was dancing in her eyes.  “It completely changed my business last year!”  I knew that 2014 had been a banner year for her company, so I listened.


So even though it’s been awhile since I’ve read a physical book (I’m a big audio book listener!), I started reading that night.


The book is called The One Thing by XXX, of Keller Williams Real Estate.  The overall principal is this:  in our busy, busy lives, we end up writing tons of to-do lists, filled with tasks that simply get them knocked off our list.  And because we busy ourselves with these tasks, we’re not actually doing the ONE THING that can propel our business forward the most!

But the truly successful people know how to focus and practice selective discipline on THE ONE THING…the thing that will make THE biggest impact on their businesses.

This is not another Eat the Frog (Brian Tracy)…it’s prioritization on an entirely different plane.


How long is your to-do list?


Just 6 chapters in, I gave it a shot.


My results:

  • I got a hell of a lot of stuff done!

    By just focusing on the ONE THING that would most impact my business, I got it done and I got it done first.  Then, I went onto the next ONE THING.  Then the next.  I was honestly shocked by how quickly I moved through items that had been siting on my to-do list for weeks!

  • I was completely present for each ONE THING I did.  I was not distracted by trying to multi-task.

    Of course I was tempted to hop onto Facebook 1,000 times or check my email, but I promised myself that only this ONE THING mattered in that moment.  It forced me to focus and give it my full attention (which is soooo much more generous with intelligence when it’s all in one place!)

    And BONUS!  It totally worked for my personal life too!!  I practiced THE ONE THING over the weekend with my husband.  The ONE THING for our relationship on Sunday was to spend quality time together.  And that’s all I focused on all day long!  It was beautiful!

  • My BIG GOAL for Biz Women Rock was always top of mind!

    I can get lost in the details very easily.  And getting lost in the details usually has you forgetting why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place.  And suddenly, you can’t see the big vision anymore.  Focusing on THE ONE THING constantly keeps your big goal top of mind, since that’s how you’re creating the ONE THING in the first place!


If you’ve ever said, “I wish there were more hours in the day to get it all done!” then you can definitely benefit from THE ONE THING!

To get it as an audiobook, click HERE!

To get the physical book, click HERE!


I would love to know what results it’s produced for you!


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