BWR 239: The Value of Multiple Streams of Income with Denise Brosseau

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Denise Brosseau of Thought Leadership Lab to Find Out!

Denise Brosseau has been an entrepreneur since the ’80’s.  Through her business journey, she’s picked up a lot of lessons and has fallen in line with her purpose: to help women in business accomplish all the things they want to accomplish.  She did that through her involvement in the founding of Springboard Enterprises, an organization that has helped women raise over $6 BILLION in venture capital, the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs, which she grew into 7 different locations and now through Thought Leadership Lab, where she helps women become thought leaders in their fields.  In this amazing interview, we discuss the importance of multiple streams of revenue, the value of building a network in business and how asking for help can literally mean the difference between life and death for your business!


Denise’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

More revenue streams you can have, the better.

Don’t stop growing your network.

Find out more about Denise & Thought Leadership Lab!

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So You Want to Be an Online Entrepreneur?

Complete with financial freedom and location independence? Then learning how to launch your business brand SUCCESSFULLY online is a must! Whether your products and services exist yet or not, whether you’ve already been selling online or are still mulling around a few ideas, this book gives you concrete steps to solidify your brand, test your market and build a community of loyal customers who will be hungry for the products and services you have to offer!


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