BWR 177: The VIP List and How It Grows a Six Figure Business With Jennifer Latham

How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?

Listen to our Interview with Jennifer Latham, Personal Branding Coach for Women!

Though she had no entrepreneurial experience or knowledge, Jennifer Latham started her first company Small Business Marketing Solutions because she knew she could establish herself as a valuable marketing resource!  After a few years, she decided to get very clear on who she wanted to work with and what she wanted her business to look like…which is why she transitioned into a personal branding coach for women.  In this fantastic interview, Jennifer talks about how she follows up with potential clients in a way that isn’t “salesy,” how she managed the transition from a broad topic business to a very niche one and how she organizes herself in advance so she can manifest her big goals!  Numbers-driven and goal-oriented, Jennifer shares her tricks and hacks on how she accomplishes so much!


Jennifer’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:

I needed to decide who I wanted to work with and what my core values were.  And I needed to know that my personal brand really stood for something.

When you build trust with people, they start to recognize that you are somebody that they would do business with and that they would refer you to other people to do business with.


Find out more about Jennifer!

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