How to Make Money Speaking with Jane Atkinson of Speaker Launcher

How to Make Money Speaking with Jane Atkinson of Speaker Launcher

I’ve had so many members of the Biz Women Rock community hungry to add paid speaking to their business model, so when a friend recommended Jane Atkinson come on my podcast, I jumped on it!  Jane has been in the speaking industry for 30 years and her company Speaker Launcher offers coaching, education and support services to those who want to either add speaking as a paid item in their income reports or want to create a lucrative business as a full time speaker.  During this incredible interview, Jane pretty much gives you a blueprint on the exact steps you need to take if you are just starting out and what you can do if you’ve been paid to speak and want to continue to do so.


Her advice here is very practical…she literally goes through the anatomy of a Keynote page on your website – what that page should look like and the elements it should have in order to properly represent your offerings and attract the right people who will want to book you!  She also talks about general pricing structures for how to come up with what you should charge and gives some great advice on increasing your rates.  And, lastly, and probably the answer that most of you are wanting, Jane gives a few examples of how you actually get BOOKED!  She is a joy and I promise you, you’ll walk away with great action steps you can take to create some speaking income now!


Go and get Jane’s Wealthy Speaker 2.0 here →


Want to find out more about Jane?  Check out her website here! →


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