Mid-Year Reset: Finish Strong in 2017 with Katie
At the moment I’m writing this, we’re deep into July. And it’s about this time of year that I start hearing rumblings from clients, Elite members and members of the general Biz Women Rock community on how they can ensure they crush the goals they created at the beginning of the year. Or, more appropriately, this is the time of year where most of us do a “check in” on where we are.
And, most often, when we pick our heads up above the daily weeds of our business, we’re struck by either how far away we are from our goals or how much our business has evolved since the beginning of the year and we feel a bit lost as we look upon the next few months ahead of us.
So I created this simple Mid-Year Reset process so you can have a simple way to get back into focus in your business in a way that will breathe new life into your activities over the next few months!
I’ve even created a FREE MID-YEAR RESET GUIDE for you! It’s a fillable guide with prompts to all the steps so you can easily walk yourself through this process and get moving full steam ahead for the latter half of the year!
Download your FREE Mid-Year Reset Guide HERE! → http://bizwomenrock.com/myrguide
Here are the steps:
- Highlight your wins
- Take an assessment of where you are now
- Honor your growth!
- Reassess your 2017 goals
- Create your ONE GOAL for the end of 2017!
- Get intimate with this goal
- Create milestones
- Create a scoreboard
- Identify the HABITS that you need to make it happen
- Identify the SUPPORT you need to make it happen
- COMMIT to support for the next 90 days
- Take action!
BONUS: Focus on the next 2-3 steps…that’s it!
Get a deeper description of each of these steps on the MID-YEAR RESET GUIDE! Download it for FREE here → http://bizwomenrock.com/myrguide
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- You are obsessed with growing your business!
- You see your business as a vehicle for doing good in this world and living out a purpose!
- You love learning from others!
- You want to incubate yourself with other action-taking business women who believe anything is possible!
- You are tired of having others around you tell you “you can’t do that!”
- You want access to your own personal “safe space” of positive women who can give you advice, feedback and pats on the back when you need them!
- You want regular peeks inside strategies that are working for your fellow Elite members so you can learn from them and apply it to your business!
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