10 Timeless Business Tips From 10 Successful Women
We all like to forge our own paths through life, but why make mistakes that have already been made by somebody else? Experienced people are called wise owls for a reason…they are wise and can probably share a few handy tips. What to do and what not to do; they’ll tell you from experience. Although your own personal experience is most important in life, learning from the pros can be a major time-saver, and in the business world, a money saver too. When money doesn’t grow on trees, do’s and do-not’s from an experienced businesswoman will save a few dollars here and there along the way. Thousands of dollars down the road, I’m sure you’d be thankful to have known these tips and tricks in advance!
Let’s take a ride on the female empowerment train and see what ten successful women have to say about making it in business.
1. Ask, ask, ask!
Knowledge is power. You may do with it what you choose, but you cannot expect to make decisions regarding things that you have no knowledge of. Asking a question is not a crime, nor is it “stupid”. If anything, inquiring to a colleague or to you boss will show that you are listening, hardworking, and curious to know more!
2.Set goals, but don’t set limits.
Having a course of action planned out is a smart idea, but if your efforts go in another direction, don’t reign yourself in. Maybe this new direction will be equally or more successful than your original goals would have been. Or if you attain all your goals as planned, keep going! Do what you want to do, not what you believe you can do. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” -Mary Kay Ash
#3 Expect failure.
Nobody is perfect. Failure is bound to happen. Not just once, many times. But therein lies the beauty of success! Achieving success wouldn’t be rewarding if there was never a chance of failure. Failure and rejection are essential to preparing you for success! You will succeed when you are ready. “Failure is a great teacher, if you’re open to it.” -Oprah Winfrey
#4 Just keep moving forward
The choice has been made; the deal closed. Focus on what is the next most important move and put everything you have into making it successful. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” -Helen Keller
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