Monthly Archives: August 2015
BWR 207: Teacher Creates Amazing Product and Goes Big With Elaine Tan Comeau
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Elaine Tan Comeau of Easy Daysies to Find Out!Elaine Comeau created Easy Daysies because parents were begging her to make visual tools like the ones she had in her classroom for them to use at home. … Read the rest
BWR 206: The PR Engine Behind Tony Robbins and 85 New York Times Bestsellers With Heidi Krupp
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Heidi Krupp of Krupp Kommunications to Find Out!Heidi Krupp is lucky…that’s what she says. … Read the rest
10 Single Mom Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Advice
By Kate Taylor
Running your own business is no piece of cake. Neither is raising a family. These 10 single moms, all of whom have built successful companies, manage to do both with a mix of intelligence, creativity and sheer determination.… Read the rest
4 Rules Every Female Entrepreneur Should Live By
By Nadia James
Our takeaways from the 2015 Philly Women in Tech Summit.
More than 300 women gathered to learn, discuss and support one another in tech-related pursuits at the 2015 Women in Tech Summit.… Read the rest
11 Secrets of Irresistible People
Some people, regardless of what they lack–money, looks, or social connections–always radiate with energy and confidence.… Read the rest
The Bedtime Routines of 4 Exceptionally Successful People
Weird fact: Mariah Carey sleeps about 15 hours a night. That’s about double the recommended minimum.… Read the rest
BWR 205: Creating All The Elements of a Powerful Coaching Business With Diane Helbig
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Diane Helbig of Seize This Day Coaching to Find Out!Diane Helbig has one of the smartest “transitioning out of corporate” stories I’ve ever heard! … Read the rest
Life Lessons Entrepreneurial Parents Can Teach Children
By Lisa Evans
If you own your own business, it’s a great idea to hire your own kids and test their ability to handle responsibility. But even if you’re kids aren’t ready to be put to work, entrepreneurial parents can teach kids a lot more than just the in’s and out’s of their own business. … Read the rest
5 Movies With Great Lessons for Entrepreneurs
By Zach Cutler
Books, articles, speeches, television shows and movies can spark creative ideas and provide helpful inspiration for entrepreneurs.… Read the rest
BWR 204: What a Community Really Is and How to Leverage It For Massive Growth With Jamie Walker
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jamie Walker of Fit Approach and SweatGuru to Find Out!… Read the rest