Monthly Archives: October 2015
5 Tips for Women on Getting Ahead in Business
Take it from this successful CEO–you can’t have everything. But you can be smart about your choices.… Read the rest
BWR 218: The Impact of Content Marketing [and How to Do It So It’s Not Overwhelming!] With Jessica Rhodes
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jessica Rhodes of Interview Connections to Find Out!… Read the restFour tips for ambitious and disruptive women
Disruption: do women do it differently? We assembled a panel at a gathering of MT’s 35 Women Under 35 network last night to address that very question.… Read the rest
39 of the coolest startups founded by women
BY: Maya Kosoff
Women may be underrepresented throughout the tech sector, but they’re still building some incredible startups, apps, and products.… Read the rest
4 Inspiring Stories of Women Entrepreneurs From Around the World
Entrepreneurship is a hot topic these days. Countless articles and books have been written about it, entire university curricula have been built upon its precepts and success stories touting billionnaires who went from “zero to hero” infiltrate our newsfeeds and status updates.
… Read the restWhere Can Women Entrepreneurs Find the Most Success?
Small to medium-sized cities may have fewer barriers to entry than some of the nation’s leading start-up hubs.
Image Richard Drew / AP Images Richard Drew / AP Images
With women like Elizabeth Holmes founding multi-billion dollar companies, and others such as Sheryl Sandburg and Beth Comstock running them, there’s a growing sense that the U.S.… Read the rest
BWR 217: High Engagement on Facebook and Managing Fast Growth of a Hobby Turned Business With Jill Donovan
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jill Donovan of Rustic Cuff to find out!Jill Donovan was a reluctant entrepreneur. … Read the rest