Monthly Archives: June 2019
How She Recovered From the Worst Case Scenario and Created a Business She Loves with Christine McAlister
How She Recovered From the Worst Case Scenario and Created a Business She Loves in the Aftermath with Christine McAlister
I often use the strategy with clients called “what’s the worst case scenario?” It’s an exercise for them to play out the absolute worst possible outcome to something they’re considering…to go all the way down that worm hole so they can ultimately see that the worst case scenario actually isn’t that bad. … Read the rest
Manifest What You Want
Manifest What You Want
In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019. … Read the rest
Create Your Purposeful Marketing & Action Plan
In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019. Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business.… Read the rest