Monthly Archives: November 2019
Your Life, Your Way, No Apologies with Cathy Heller
Oh, the divine timing of my very last interview on the Biz Women Rock podcast…Cathy Heller is my guest and our conversation is the most beautiful music of harmony, strategy and purpose. … Read the rest
Create Your Own Version of Success – LIVE at She Podcasts Live – PODCASTING SERIES
In October 2019, I was invited to be the Keynote Presenter at the very first ever She Podcasts Live Conference.
I chose to share my own podcasting journey to showcase just how imperfect, meandering and REAL each of our business journeys are. … Read the rest
Going Through a Business Transition with Jen Mavros – PODCASTING SERIES
When I saw Jen Mavros’ video announcing she was leaving her old business behind and stepping into a new business, I obviously could relate. … Read the rest
Jessica Kupferman is Synonymous with Podcasting: An Intimate Conversation – PODCASTING SERIES
When I think of “podcasting,” I think of Jessica Kupferman. She’s someone who has experienced the industry is such a variety of ways…as a podcaster herself, as someone who owned a business selling advertising on podcasts and as the leader and co-founder of She Podcasts, a community of over 14,000 women podcasters. … Read the rest
Oh, the Places You’ll Go With Podcasting with Jaime Legagneur of Florida Podcast Network – PODCASTING SERIES
We’re continuing the PODCASTING SERIES today with the incredible Jaime Legagneur (pronounced “Jemmy”). I had the pleasure of meeting Jaime in a peculiar and memorable way at Podfest 2017, catching her in a pivotal moment of her podcasting and business career. … Read the rest
How She’s Evolved Her Podcast to Feed Her Business (and Herself) with Tina Conroy of the Intuitive Woman Podcast – PODCASTING SERIES
Kicking off the PODCASTING SERIES today is the fabulous Tina Conroy of The Intuitive Woman Podcast. I’ve had the privilege of walking beside Tina on her podcasting journey the past few years as her coach and mastermind leader and I can tell you that she’s one of the most dedicated podcasters I’ve ever met. … Read the rest
From One on One Clients to Online Products That Serve the World with Nicole Cruz
When Nicole Cruz came to me, it became apparent that she wanted to build a business so she could put herself out of business.
Let me explain. … Read the rest
How to Grow an Online Business From Scratch with Ashley Kitchens
When Ashley Kitchens began working with me as a private client, she only knew one thing: she loved sharing with people about plant-based eating and wanted to reach more people. … Read the rest
Why Biz Women Rock is Going on Sabbatical – BIG ANNOUNCEMENT
Today’s episode is sharing THE REAL behind the scenes reasons why Biz Women Rock is going on sabbatical. The podcast, the business and the private Facebook Group…they’re all getting archived on December 2, 2019. … Read the rest