3 Secrets to CRUSHING Your Goals Like a LADY Boss!
It’s the beginning of the year and you have goals. BIG GOALS. Goals for your business. Goals for your personal life. Goals that will make your incredible vision for your business come to life!
But did you know goal-setting, when done wrong, can actually have a negative impact? If you create too many goals, create goals that aren’t exactly ideal for you, or go about attacking your goals haphazardly…you can actually kill your momentum and pretty soon…you’re back into the unfocused haze of “just doing business” instead of proactively creating the dream business you’re meant for!
So, here are 3 secrets (that actually aren’t actually much of a secret) that most business owners tend to overlook when creating their goals in the new year and that YOU can use to your advantage to KICK BUTT in 2017!
1. Create the RIGHT Goals
Sure, it’s fun to randomly pick a giant revenue number and proclaim it as your goal. I want my business to earn $1 million in revenue by the end of 2017! It sounds so sexy, right? But a goal isn’t necessarily productive for your business unless it’s the RIGHT goal. In The ONE Thing, a book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, they advocate coming up with just ONE BIG GOAL…the one that will have the most impact on your business. Let me say it straight…coming up with just ONE GOAL is hard. Especially because you want to do and have so much! But, it’s completely necessary in order to kick ass in the year to come!
So, how do you know if the goal in you’re thinking of is the RIGHT one? The One Thing directs you to ask yourself, “what’s the one thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”
Start thinking about what ONE GOAL will make everything else easier or unnecessary in your business! A great exercise to get clear about this is to write down everything you want to accomplish this year, everything you would consider a goal. And then simply run down the list and ask yourself, “would accomplishing this make everything else easier or unnecessary?
The reason I most often come up with revenue goals is because by making that my target, so many other great things will be checked off my list. It encompasses a lot of other things I want. For example, if I said that $250,000 in revenue was my goal for 2017, I also know that I can check off “have at least 10 amazing VIP days with clients” and “host two profitable and successful retreats” and I can “hire my dream admin/personal assistant,” because, in order for me to actually HIT my big goal of $250,000, I would have to create and execute these other goals.
And creating the RIGHT goal also ensures that your business will move in the direction you want – will have the growth you desire – in an incredibly fast and focused rate! When you put all your planning, energy and passion behind this ONE GOAL, the one that will make everything else easier or unnecessary, things happen fast!
BTW: This is the same effect that happens when you take action on the #1 most important to-do item every day. When you focus on the #1 action that will make the biggest impact on your business and you do this first and repeat this every single day, the rate of growth is ridiculous and almost unfathomable!
2. Create Monthly Milestones
Once you’ve done the hard work to come up with your ONE GOAL, it’s vital to back into milestones. Why? Because you need regular mile markers that will periodically tell you if you’re on the right track or not. Imagine you’re running a marathon – 26.2 miles is a long journey (just like 365 days of a year is a long journey). I know you’re feeling fired up and super focused now, but I guarantee there will be a point in a few weeks or months when life happens and you get derailed. If you don’t have milestones to force you to check in, it’ll soon be December 2017 before you realize that you’re waaaaaaaay far away from accomplishing what you said was so important!
To do this, simply take your one goal and start working backwards, month by month. So, if you have a financial goal, the easiest thing to do is divide that number by 12 and wa-la…you have your monthly revenue goal. If you have big events or one-off instances that would happen at a specific time throughout the year and impact your revenues, simply adjust your numbers accordingly. If you have certain months that you already know will be “ramp up” time for you while work up to that monthly revenue goal, adjust your numbers. Whatever your goal is, creating monthly milestones that help you check in on a regular basis and keep you focused on that ONE BIG GOAL is a must!
3. Make Your Goals VISIBLE and Remind Yourself of Them Every Single Day
This. Is. HUGE. And even though I know you know this already, please read because this particular secret is a necessary ingredient for crushing your goals! Once you create your BIG GOAL, write it down and make it visible to you every single day!
In January 2016, I wrote down 9 items on the whiteboard in my daughter’s room. I called them “Areas of Focus for 2016.” All I did was write them down. I didn’t create any sort of major plan for any of them. I didn’t spent a ton of time brainstorming any kind of strategy. I just wrote them down. And kept them there.
I saw them every single day. Sometimes I consciously thought about them, sometimes I simply glanced at them as I was cleaning her room.
As I look at them now, I see something that blows my mind…
I accomplished 6 of them.
SIX OF THEM. That’s a 67% success rate just from writing the damn things down and keeping them visible in front of me!
I’m not insinuating that I did nothing behind these things…I just truly didn’t create any sort of plan or strategy. I just had them in my mind and worked on them whenever.
Just imagine the success rate you could have if you had a solid strategy and action plan behind the goals you want?!!
Mind. Blown.
These 3 secrets are just the beginning of creating the RIGHT goals that have the right amount of strategy and power behind them to ensure that 2017 is your best year yet!
Are you ready to MAKE SURE you are CRUSHING YOUR GOALS in 2017 like a LADY BOSS??
Then I have a spot saved just for you in my upcoming
New Year Jumpstart Program!
For 6 weeks, you and your fellow super-driven business women will have access to the structure, accountability, education and support you NEED to ensure that you start your year off with some MAJOR results and make a huge dent in your BIG GOAL!
The 6 Week New Year Jumpstart includes…
- Weekly topic-driven calls, complete with exercises and purposeful action plans!
- A Private Facebook Group to gather with your fellow students, sharing your goals, your struggles, getting support and accountability!
- Weekly exercises that will optimize the lessons and get you deeper results!
- Weekly homework that will keep you ON-TARGET and FOCUSED!
- Access to an Accountability Partner who you can support and who will support you!
- 24 hour access to me within our Private Facebook Group! I’m available to answer any questions or give feedback!
- Completely FREE access to my FACEBOOK GROUPS ROCK eCourse ($197 value)! An invaluable tool to help you grow your community through a Facebook Group!
The New Year Jumpstart is PERFECT for you if…
- You’re tired of creating goals and never hitting them!
- You have BIG PLANS for 2017 and you just need the structure and the support to make it happen!
- You need accountability! You need other people holding your feet to the fire to make sure you do what you say you’re going to do!
- You’re tired of having a mediocre business…you’re ready for BIG!
- You know there’s a faster and easier way to get what you want in business!
- You don’t want to get half way into 2017 and realize that you’ve made no significant progress towards what you said you really wanted in January!
- You’re tired of struggling and you’re ready to SOAR!
Join me for this EPIC 6 WEEK JOURNEY to creating the BEST YEAR YET for you and your business!!!
2017 is a blank slate right now, my friend. And it’s time to create the business YOU want. 🙂
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