3 Whys for the Not-So-Fearless Female Entrepreneur
Written by: India Rochelle
Being a fearless woman within your business is actually not as hard as so many entrepreneurs think. It’s mostly all about noticing the fear and still pursuing through it. Yes, it’s intimidating to see so many of your friends and role models doing all of these amazing things and feel excited and maybe even a little overwhelmed. Maybe you are focusing on all the work and management behind a new idea and that’s what stops you in your tracks. Or maybe you’re just afraid to fail. But in the words of my mentor Saba Tekle, “Fear is just doing something you’ve never done.”
This year, I experienced some fearless conquering of my own. Becoming a first time author, starting my own podcast, networking with new people, and even in my personal life facing the reality of my health was huge for me. In 2015, I proved that as nervous and intimidated I was, I couldn’t let that stand in the way of conquering my dreams! And in being fearless, I discovered that it wasn’t all as bad as I thought it to be. So how did I become so “Beyoncé” to entrepreneurship? Here are my three whys to becoming a fearless entrepreneur for the not-so fearless woman.
1. My friends, business partners, and family believed in me! They believed that what I was doing had value. They expressed how proud they were of me. And whenever I began to drift away from my purpose, they reminded me of my reason. Having someone in your corner is both empowering and uplifting. If you don’t have anyone in your corner, you can always join a group, association, or a club of like-minded individuals just like you! Also, I have found MeetUp.com to be awesome! And if you’re an author or aspiring to be one, 20 Beautiful Women is also pretty extraordinary as well! Google us!
2. I believed in me! I am huge believer in the Law of Attraction. And a huge part of it is believing that you can by first believing that it is conquered. I mentioned in one of my podcast episodes, that the same way we believe that when we plant a seed it will grow, is the same way we should believe in our ideas, investments, and our overall success. If you believe and speak as though you’ve already achieved, you will! Leave all of your ideas and projects to the universe to handle. Remain positive about your outcomes and actually see yourself achieving these things. As the saying goes, “If you believe it, you will achieve it!”
3. I am grateful! Being grateful is not just saying grace at the dinner table or saying thank you to the store clerk for bagging your items. Though it does show your gratitude, being gracious for every small thing is a gesture to the universe that you are ready to receive. Saying “thank you” when you wake up, to have clean water, air-conditioning, a vehicle, and so on shows that you are appreciative and accepting of your current and future blessings. No matter how small or how large they are.
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