30 Surprising Facts About Female Founders
By Lisa Calhoun
The U.S. leads the world in high performance entrepreneurship. Female founders, in particular, contribute some of the greatest stats in growth in revenue, growth in employment, and financial efficiency.
In several global studies, the United States leads the world in high performance entrepreneurship. Female founders in particular contribute some of the most eye-popping stats around growth in revenue, growth in employment, financial efficiency, and entrepreneurial spirit. See how many of these facts you know already and how many surprise you:
Facts about female founders and starting companies
1. Women start companies at 1.5 times the average rate in the United States.
2. The absolute number of startups in Crunchbase with at least one female founder has more than quadrupled in the last five years, from 117 in 2009 to 555 in 2014.
3. Women entrepreneurs in the United States rank their happiness at nearly three times that of women who are not entrepreneurs or established business owners.
4. The U.S. ranks No. 1 among 31 countries considered by Dell on the support of women’s entrepreneurship.
5. Today, 18 percent of all startups have at least one female founder.
6. There are just over 9 million women-owned companies in the United States.
Facts about hotbeds of women and entrepreneurship
7. Brooklyn, New York, banks more female startups than any other single city in the United States.
8. Las Vegas has the honor of the highest percentage of venture-backed companies with at least one female founder: 26 percent.
9. The cities with the shrimpiest numbers of female founders, by percentage, are Silicon Valley’s Palo Alto and San Jose, California.
10. Texas claims the worst record of supporting women seeking venture capital. Last year, 42 Texas startups got Series A rounds. Zero of them had female founders.
11. In the United States, the frontiers of fast growth in the raw number of companies founded by women are, in order, North Dakota, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.
12. The cities in the United States where the combined economic clout of female founders is growing fastest are San Antonio; Portland, Oregon; Houston; Atlanta; and Riverside, California.
13. Dell puts Australia in the top spot for Potential Women Entrepreneur Leaders. Over half of Australian women who start businesses are college-educated, which provides them with networks and experiences that they can leverage for growth.
Facts on women entrepreneurs and job creation
14. A net new 340,000 jobs were added by woman-owned businesses between 2007 and 2015. At the same time, men-owned businesses shed 1.2 million jobs, according to a 2015 study by Womenable and American Express.
Facts about female founders and raising capital
15. No matter which crowdfunding platform they choose, female founders perform equal to or better than their male counterparts when raising money online.
16. Offline, it’s a different story. Only 10 percent of startups which raised Series A last year had female founders. Today’s venture capital environment clocks some 305 active funds over $100 million. These funds collectively put $114 billion to work. Ninety percent of it never sees a female founder.
17. That said, venture capital firms with women partners are more than twice as likely to invest in companies with a woman on the executive team.
18. Venture firms with a woman partner are more than three times as likely to invest in companies with women CEOs.
19. Ninety-four percent of decision makers at venture capital funds are male.
20. Even so, there is more venture for women, and the women’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is gaining traction, as angel investor Kelly Hoey points out in Inc.
Facts on performance and women entrepreneurs
21. Among the most successful companies, men start their businesses with six times as much capital as women do, according to the most recent National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) Annual Report.
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