5 Tips for Women on Getting Ahead in Business
Take it from this successful CEO–you can’t have everything. But you can be smart about your choices.
According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, two-thirds of women and nearly half of men say females face some discrimination when it comes to getting ahead inbusiness. There’s always the interesting question of children, for one thing. Twenty-two percent of those polled believe women who want to reach a top position in business are better off not having them at all, with another 40 percent holding the opinion that if they’re going to do it they should wait until later in their careers. Another 36 percent believe it’s best to get childbirth out of the way early on.
Sandy Rubenstein knows a thing or two about the subject. A mother of twins since the age of 29, she’s CEO of DXagency, an ad-engagement agency with clients that include DirecTV, HBO, MTV, and Whole Foods. Here’s her advice for women on getting ahead in business.
Do work you’re passionate about.
Like it or not, to succeed in business you’re going to have to do lots of things well. “We’re expected to be committed to our jobs, our personal relationships, our kids–all at the same level of intensity,” Rubenstein says. If you love your work, you’ll be more inclined to invest the amount of energy it takes to assume leadership positions within your organization or industry.
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