A Silicon Valley exec shares her 8 best tips for women’s success
By: Leyla Seka
The good news is that over the past few months a lot of attention has been paid to whether women are succeeding in Silicon Valley.
The bad news is that most people agree we still have a long way to go.
No matter whether you lean in or lean out, there are some easy ways that you can be more successful.
Here are eight ways to help yourself — and all the women around you — succeed in Silicon Valley.
1. Change your thinking
We need to take a hard look at the way we think and the messages we give to our children.
When I was growing up it wasn’t cool for girls to be good at numbers.
So when I had the opportunity to learn to code I didn’t take it. That was something boys did. We need to change this way of thinking, and we need to change it now!
Push yourself to learn new technologies and skills. And mothers of girls, help them grab that opportunity with both hands.
2. Build your brand
For anyone — man or woman — to be successful, you need to position yourself for it. Think about what you want to be known for in your career, and market yourself correctly to achieve your goals. A mentor can give you valuable insight and feedback to help.
Networking can help you build an army of champions that have your back. And participating in conversations about timely issues and trends, through your company blog or posting on LinkedIn, can help you build a profile and share your insights and point-of-view with the outside world.
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