Katie Krimitsos
BWR 229: License Your Business and Get Out of the Daily Grind With Leslie Haywood
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Leslie Haywood of Grill Charms to Find Out! Leslie’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:… Read the restYou’re not going to have an easier sales call then in your own backyard.
How Successful People Take Advantage Of The Holiday Season
By: Jennifer Cohen
It’s that time of the year again where business starts to simultaneously speed up as it slows down for the holidays.… Read the rest
Drew Barrymore On Why Women Can’t Have It All
By: Moira Forbes
Drew Barrymore is at peace with the fact that women can’t “have it all—at least not in the same moment.” That’s a statement with the potential to ruffle some feathers.… Read the rest
The Happiest And Most Successful Professionals — 8 Ways They Think Differently
By: Kathy Caprino
In my work as a career success coach, I regularly survey thousands of professionals each year. These surveys and studies allow me a special lens into the deepest thoughts and beliefs of people who are building careers that excite and inspire them, as well as those who are despairing and disillusioned, and desperately want a change but can’t figure out how to create it.… Read the rest
6 Things Wearing a Skirt Taught Me
Super-athlete, Nicole DeBoom, had an epiphany while training for a triathalon—and she ran with it. I’m constantly searching for the qualities that make someone a success. … Read the rest
What My Mom Taught Me About Being a Female Entrepreneur
By: Soraya Darabi
It’s a great time to be a female entrepreneur, as we are surrounded by so much support. In the industries in which we find ourselves most networked, there are a bevy of groups for women (Women in America, The World Economic Forum’s YGL Women’s Network and The Li.st, among others.).… Read the rest
Wartime Entrepreneurs: 50 Syrian Women Find A Way To Export Aleppo’s Famous Soap To The U.S.
The point in the interview when Jehan’s voice cracked a little is when she talked about the women back at home, in Syria.… Read the rest
Five Experts, Five Tips For Business Success
A new year is always a time of reflection, and for small business owners there are no exceptions. With success coming in different shapes, sizes and even dollars, consider how you can help support your business in the year ahead to make it your best yet.… Read the rest
5 Things To Know About Women Entrepreneurs Around The World
By: Susan Price
The gender pay gap remains all too real, but women around the world are closing the entrepreneurship gap. The divide between male and female founders has shrunk by 6% since 2012, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014 Women’s Report.… Read the rest
Hats Off To Women Entrepreneurs
By: Marilyn Nagel
I admit not thinking much about entrepreneurs for a good portion of my adult life, most likely because I worked for global multinational corporations or in non-profit.… Read the rest