Katie Krimitsos
5 tips for small-business success
In every economic downturn, corporations shed employees to shave costs. And in every economic downturn, many of those let-go employees make lemons out of lemonade by starting that small business they’ve always dreamed of operating, whether it involves doing what they were doing as an employee or trying something entirely different.… Read the rest
Tyra Banks has an unusual trick to avoid feeling intimidated
Hint: It has to do with foreheads.
If you need to fake confidence when speaking with someone important, look at their forehead instead of into their eyes, former supermodel Tyra Banks suggests.… Read the rest
7 Tips For Women Who Want To Start A Business
More and more women I know are starting their own businesses these days — often doing so by switching careers in midlife.… Read the rest
BWR 222: From Rock Bottom to Loving Her Business and Life With Nichole Kellerman Wurth
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Nichole Kellerman Wurth of Wildly Alive Weight Loss to Find Out!… Read the rest6 Female Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Advice
BY AMY VETTERWomen entrepreneurs are the fastest-growing segment of business owners in the U.S.
… Read the restTips To Help Women Business Owners Focus On Growth
Women open businesses at a rate 1.5 times the national average. Ana Recio Harvey, director of the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership.… Read the rest
17 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets for Success
Think there aren’t enough inspiring women entrepreneurs? You’d better listen to these amazing founders.
BY BILL MURPHY JR.… Read the rest5 Tips For Women On Navigating The Workplace Successfully
By Jane McManus
DANA POINT, Calif. — Three incredibly successful women — NFL VP of public policy Cynthia Hogan, EY global vice chair for public policy Beth Brooke-Marciniak and IMG president of business affairs Karen Brodkin — joined Sage Steele on Friday at the espnW: Women + Sports Summit to discuss their rise to the top of their fields.… Read the rest
BWR 221: Relationships Are Everything: Susie Miller Rises From the Ashes
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Susie Miller, the Better Relationship Coach to Find Out!… Read the rest8 Career Tips for Young Women Who Want to Be the Boss
Despite high-profile executives like Sheryl Sandberg and General Motors CEO Mary Barra provingwomen can lead just as well as men, many young women are still being overlooked in the workplace.… Read the rest