Katie Krimitsos
9 Female Boss Lessons I’ve Learned
In the wake of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, I heard a lot of women say that Sandberg’s admonition not to “leave before you leave” didn’t resonate with them.… Read the rest
A Silicon Valley exec shares her 8 best tips for women’s success
By: Leyla Seka
The good news is that over the past few months a lot of attention has been paid to whether women are succeeding in Silicon Valley.… Read the rest
‘Polished, Poised, Prepared’: Confidence Tips from Women Entrepreneurs
By: Rebekah Epstein
When you are a business owner, it doesn’t matter how much funding you have, where your college degrees are from or whom you network with if you are not confident about your ideas.… Read the rest
Tips On Financing Your Woman-Owned Business
While women-owned businesses are on the rise (and that is great news), most of these businesses have no employees other than the owner. … Read the rest
5 Small Business Success Tips for Women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is great for so many reasons. From having more flexible work hours to being your own boss and everything in between, it’s no wonder more and more people are starting their own businesses, especially women.… Read the rest
BWR 220: Behind the Scenes of a Doctor’s Medical Revolution With Jyothi Rao
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Jyothi Rao of Shakthi Health and Wellness Center to Find Out!… Read the rest12 Things Successful Women Do Differently
Every woman has her own definition of success. But there are certain traits that most successful women share.
I spend a good part of my work day reading and writing about women who have achieved great things — and I make it a point to surround myself with women who are well on their way to doing so.… Read the rest
Oprah’s Tearful Speech at Power of Women
Oprah Winfrey, recognized for her charity work with the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation, was the only one to receive a standing ovation at Variety’s Power of Women luncheon presented by Lifetime.… Read the rest
6 Steps to Business Success for Women
Self-doubt can get in the way of success for many female entrepreneurs. Here are six ways to combat it.
… Read the restNo. 1 Success Tip For Women In Business: Do More Than You Know
By: Denise Restauri
“What are the top 10 things you learned about thirtysomething women – their tricks and tips that helped them define and find their success?” I answered that question when I delivered a Masterclass at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland last month.… Read the rest